Important psychologists Flashcards
Alfred Adler
Inferiority complex; neo-freudian
Mary Ainsworth
“strange situation” ; tested attachment (secure vs. insecure)
Solomon Asch
Line study; conformity
Albert Bandura
Bobo doll; modeling and observational learning
Diana Baumrind
Parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive)
Aaron Beck
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ; father of conginitive therapy
Alfred Binet
IQ test, Stanford Binet
Paul Broca
Broca’s area; speech formation
Mary Whiton Calkins
First female PhD and first female pres of APA
Noam Chomsky
Theory of language; progress through biologically set stages
Paul Costa and Robert McCrae
Big Five trait theory
Charles Darwin
Father of evolution and natural selection
Dorothea Dix
Instituted reforms in asylums
Herman Ebbinghaus
Forgetting curve (how quickly we lost the things we learn) ; used nonsense syllables
Albert Ellis
Rational Emotive Behavioral Theory (ABC method)
Erik Erikson
Psychosocial development (must solve conflict within stage or develop maladaptively)
Gustav Fechner
Just noticeable difference - difference threshold
Leon Festinger
Cognitive Dissonance
Sigmund Freud
Father of pschianalysis
Francis Galton
Eugenics - pioneered use of IQ
John Garcia
Taste aversion
Howard Gardner
theory of multiple intelligences (Naturalistic, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intraperitoneal, logical, linguistic, musical, visual)
Michael Gazzaniga
Split-brain patients
Carol Gilligan
criticized Kohlberg - only studied men
Harry Harlow
Studied attachment behaviors in monkeys - we prefer comfort
G. Stanley Hall
First pres of APA
David Hubel
Visual cortex and feature detectors
William James
first psych textbook, first to offer a psych course in college. James-Lange theory of intelligence (Stimulus then emotion)
Mary Cover Jones
Systematic desensitization - mother of behavioral therapy
Carl Jung
Collective unconscious (we share a mind that has shared symbols-archetypes), Electra complex
Alfred Kinsey
Studied human spectrum of sexuality
Lawrence Kohlberg
developmental stages of morality
Wolfgang Kohler
insight - used chimps
Elizabeth Loftus
studied false memories
Konrad Lorenz
Animal imprinting
Abraham Maslow
Hierarchy of needs
Stanley Milgram
Obedience ; shock experiment
George A Miller
Magic 7 STM
Jean piaget
Stages of cognitive development, how we change schemas through accommodation and assimilation
Robert Rescorla
Higher-order conditioning - works better when it acts as a reliable signal of the appearance of the UCS
Carl Rogers
Unconditional positive regard, empathy, active listening
Stanley Schachter
Two-factor theory of emotion ; phys stim causes cog appraisal of situation which determines emotion
Hans Seyle
General Adaptation Syndrome (body’s resp to constant stress)
BF Skinner
Operant conditioning ; Skinner box
Charles Spearman
General intelligence (g)
Roger Sperry
Split-brain - worked with Michael Gazzaniga
Robert Sternberg
Triarchic theory of intelligence (analytical, creative, practical)
Lewis Terman
Longitudinal studies; those w higher IQs were mentally healthier and succeeded more
Edward Thorndike
Law of effect - reinforcement more potent when revolves in a satisfying effect
Edward Tolman
Latent learning, cognitive mats, rat maze
Lev Vygotsky
Zone of Proximal development - we do our best learning when it is outside of our skillset and aided by a skilled person
Margaret Floy Washburn
second female pres of APA, 1st doctorate
John watson
Little Albert, stim generalization and discrimiantion
Ernst Weber
Weber’s law - amount of difference needed to cross threshold is proportionate to size of initial stim
David Weschler
Weschler scale IQ test - most prominent
Carl Wernicke
Wernicke’s area - language comp
Torsten Wiesel
studied visual cortex with hubell
Joseph Wolpe
Systemic desensitization - w/ mary cover jones
Wilhelm Wundt
father of modern psych
Philip Zimbardo
Stanford Prison experiment