Ch. 1-3 Flashcards
introspection to reveal the structure of the mind
how mental and behavioral processes function; how they enable the organism to adapt, survive and function
Basic research
pure science that aims to inc. the scientific knowledge base
Applied research
Scientific study that aims to solve practical problems
Gestalt psychology
our tendency to integrate pieces of info into meaningful whole
psychodynamic osychology
Studies how unconscious drives and conflicts influence behavior ; use info to treat psych disorders
operational definition
a carefully worded statement of the exact procedures used in a research study
longitudinal study
research that follows and retests people over time
cross sectional study
research that compares people of diff ages at the same point in time
illusory coorelation
perceiving a relationship where there is none
standard deviation
computed measure of how much scores vary around a mean
Sampling bias
flawed sampling that creates and unrepresentative sample
Inferential stats
numerical data that allows one to generalize - infer from the sample data how true it is for the population
descriptive stats
numerical data used to measure and describe characteristics of groups
enables muscle action, learning, and memory
sympathetic ns
arouses the body, mobilizes energy
parasympathetic ns
calms the body, conserves energy
neural networks
clusters of neuron “work groups”
tissue destruction
electroencephalogram (eeg)
an amplified recording of waves of electrical activity in the brain; electrodes on the scalp
computed tomography (CT)
series of x-rays taken from diff angles and combined by a computer - bones and soft tissue
PET scan
a visual display of brain activity that detects where radioactive glucose is used in the brain
uses magnetic fields and radio waves to computer gen images of soft tissues
reveals blood flow and therefore brain activity by comparing successive fMRI scans
oldest part of the brain - automatic survival function
base of the brain stem - automatic survival function
process sensory input, coordinate movement output and balance; enable nonverbal learning and memory
limbic system
associated with emotions and drives
glial cells
support, nourish, and protect neurons
a molecule that inhibits or blocks a nts actiona
a molecule that increases a nt’s action
impairment of language, usually caused by damage to left hemisphere
corpus callosum
lrg band of neural tissue that connects the 2 hemispheres
connects signals that move from higher brain to lower brain
relay system - transmit vision and hearing info
coordinate necessary survival functions
higher thought and logic
terminal buttons
end of axon, send signal on to next neuron
receptor sites
place on receiving neurons where nt’s bind
smallest distinctive sound unit
the acquisition of traditional masc or fem roles
social learning theory
the theory that we learn social behavior by observing and imitating
gender schema theory
individuals pay more attention to info relevant to their own gender, store info in ways consistent with current schemas
chemicals or viruses that can reach and damage embryo or fetus
suprachiasmatic nucleus
cell clusters in hypothalamus that controls curc rhythm; in response to light
REM cycle
rapid eye movement sleep - muscles relaxed, but brain active
REM rebound
tendency for REM sleep to inc following REM sleep dec
Adaptive theory
periods of [in]activity evolved to conserve energy
restorative theory
sleeps allows the body to repair
recording electric activity of muscles
assessment of eye function
beta waves
high frequency, low amp - awake
Alpha waves
medium-freq - restful and medatative stae
Theta waves
state between sleep and wake
Delta waves
slowest waves - restorative and healing sleep
REM sleep behavior disorder
physically act out vivid dreans
manifest content
actual content of dreams
latent content
underlying meaning of dreams
activation synth
dreams caused by phys process of brain