Important Ports - By Name Flashcards
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
20/21 - TCP - Port 21 is the control port while port 20 is used to transfer files.
Secure Shell (SSH)
22 - TCP - Designed to transmit data through a remote connection.
SSH File Transfer Protocol
22 - TCP - A completely separate protocol from FTP (it is not compliant with FTP servers) that uses SSH to encrypt file transfers.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
587 - TCP - Internet mail protocol used to send outgoing mail from email clients to mail servers. old port used was 25.
49 - TCP - Cisco proprietary protocol used for authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) services.
Domain Name System (DNS)
53 - UDP - Used to associate IP addresses with domain names
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
67/68 - UDP - This network management protocol is used to assign multiple local private IP addresses from one public IPv4 address.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
80 - TCP - Protocol used for websites and most internet traffic.
88 - TCP/UDP - Network authentication protocol that allows for communication over a non-secure network. Primarily uses UDP but can use TCP.
Post Office Protocol (POP)
110 - TCP - E-mail protocol that allows e-mail clients to communicate with e-mail servers. POP provides only one-way communication.
Network Time Protocol
123 - UDP - Low latency protocol used to synchronize timekeeping across a network.
Server Message Block (SMB)
445 - UDP - Windows proprietary protocol built on NetBIOS. Allows users to remotely access servers. Originally used port 139.
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
143, 993 - TCP - E-mail protocol used by e-mail clients to communicate with e-mail servers. Provides two way communication unlike POP.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
161/ 162 - UDP - Protocol used to monitor and manage network devices on IP networks.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
389 - UDP - Used to manage and communicate with directories.