Acronyms (M-Z) - ECPI Flashcards
MAC (Mandatory Access Control)
Mandatory Access Control
MAC is a security model that restricts access to resources based on the user’s clearance level.
What does MAC stand for in Media Access Control?
Media Access Control
MAC is a protocol that governs how data packets are placed on the network.
What does MAC stand for in Message Authentication Code?
Message Authentication Code
MAC is used to verify the integrity and authenticity of a message.
What does MAN stand for?
Metropolitan Area Network
MAN is a network that covers a larger geographic area than a local area network (LAN) but smaller than a wide area network (WAN).
What does MBR stand for?
Master Boot Record
MBR is a special type of boot sector that is used to start the operating system.
What does MD5 stand for?
Message Digest 5
MD5 is a widely used cryptographic hash function that produces a 128-bit hash value.
What does MDM stand for?
Mobile Device Management
MDM refers to software solutions that allow IT administrators to manage and secure mobile devices.
What does MFA stand for?
Multi-Factor Authentication
MFA is a security mechanism that requires multiple forms of verification to access an account.
What does MFD stand for?
Multi-function Device
MFD refers to a device that can perform multiple functions such as printing, scanning, and copying.
What does MITM stand for?
MITM is a security attack where the attacker secretly relays and possibly alters the communication between two parties.
What does MMS stand for?
Multimedia Message Service
MMS is a standard way to send messages that include multimedia content to and from mobile devices.
What does MOA stand for?
Memorandum of Agreement
MOA is a document that outlines the terms and details of an agreement between parties.
What does MOU stand for?
Memorandum of Understanding
MOU is a formal agreement between two or more parties outlining their intentions.
What does MPLS stand for?
Multi-protocol Label Switching
MPLS is a data-carrying technique for high-performance telecommunications networks.
What does MSCHAP stand for?
Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
MSCHAP is a password-based authentication protocol used in Microsoft environments.
What does MSP stand for?
Managed Service Provider
MSP is a company that remotely manages a customer’s IT infrastructure and end-user systems.
What does MTBF stand for?
Mean Time Between Failures
MTBF is a measure of reliability for repairable items.
What does MTTF stand for?
Mean Time to Failure
MTTF is the average time until a non-repairable system fails.
What does MTTR stand for?
Mean Time to Recover or Mean Time to Repair
MTTR is the average time taken to repair a system and restore it to operational status.
What does MTU stand for?
Maximum Transmission Unit
MTU is the size of the largest packet that can be sent over a network.
What does NAC stand for?
Network Access Control
NAC is a security solution that enforces policies on devices accessing a network.
What does NAT stand for?
Network Address Translation
NAT is a method of remapping an IP address space into another by modifying network address information.
What does NDA stand for?
Non-disclosure Agreement
NDA is a legally binding contract that establishes a confidential relationship between parties.
What does NFC stand for?
Near Field Communication
NFC is a set of communication protocols that enable two electronic devices to communicate when they are close to each other.
What does NGAC stand for?
Next Generation Access Control
NGAC refers to advanced access control mechanisms that enhance security.
What does NIDS stand for?
Network-based Intrusion Detection System
NIDS monitors network traffic for suspicious activity.
What does NIPS stand for?
Network-based Intrusion Prevention System
NIPS actively prevents and blocks potential threats in network traffic.
What does NIST stand for?
National Institute of Standards & Technology
NIST is a physical sciences laboratory and non-regulatory agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
What does NTFS stand for?
New Technology File System
NTFS is a file system that the Windows NT operating system uses for storing and retrieving files.
What does NTLM stand for?
New Technology LAN Manager
NTLM is a suite of Microsoft security protocols that provides authentication, integrity, and confidentiality to users.
What does NTP stand for?
Network Time Protocol
NTP is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between computer systems.
What does OAUTH stand for?
Open Authorization
OAUTH is an open standard for access delegation commonly used for token-based authentication.
What does OCSP stand for?
Online Certificate Status Protocol
OCSP is used for obtaining the revocation status of an X.509 digital certificate.
What does OID stand for?
Object Identifier
OID is a unique identifier used to name an object in a way that is globally unique.
What does OS stand for?
Operating System
OS is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources.
What does OTA stand for?
Over The Air
OTA refers to the wireless delivery of software updates and data to devices.
What does OVAL stand for?
Open Vulnerability Assessment Language
OVAL is an international standard for encoding system security information.
What does P12 stand for?
PKCS #12
P12 is a binary format for storing a bundle of cryptographic objects.
What does P2P stand for?
Peer to Peer
P2P is a decentralized communications model in which each party has the same capabilities.
What does PaaS stand for?
Platform as a Service
PaaS is a cloud computing model that provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications.
What does PAC stand for?
Proxy Auto Configuration
PAC is a file that defines how web browsers can automatically select the appropriate proxy server.
What does PAM stand for?
Pluggable Authentication Modules
PAM is a framework for integrating multiple authentication methods into applications.
What does PAP stand for?
Password Authentication Protocol
PAP is a simple authentication protocol used to validate users.
What does PAT stand for?
Port Address Translation
PAT is a type of network address translation that allows multiple devices on a local network to be mapped to a single public IP address.
What does PBKDF2 stand for?
Password-based Key Derivation Function 2
PBKDF2 is a key derivation function that is used to derive one or more secret keys from a password.
What does PBX stand for?
Private Branch Exchange
PBX is a private telephone network used within an organization.
What does PCAP stand for?
Packet Capture
PCAP is a file format used to capture network packets for analysis.
What does PEAP stand for?
Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol
PEAP is a method to securely transmit authentication information over a wireless network.
What does PED stand for?
Personal Electronic Device
PED refers to any electronic device that is used by an individual for personal purposes.
What does PEM stand for?
Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail
PEM is a standard for securing email messages.
What does PFS stand for?
Perfect Forward Secrecy
PFS is a property of secure communication protocols that ensures session keys are not compromised even if the private key is compromised.
What does PFX stand for?
Personal Exchange Format
PFX is a file format that is used to store a certificate and its private key.
What does PGP stand for?
Pretty Good Privacy
PGP is an encryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication.
What does PHI stand for?
Personal Health Information
PHI refers to any information that can be used to identify a patient and relates to their health status.
What does PII stand for?
Personally Identifiable Information
PII is any data that could potentially identify a specific individual.
What does PIV stand for?
Personal Identity Verification
PIV is a standard for secure and reliable identification of individuals.
What does PKI stand for?
Public Key Infrastructure
PKI is a framework for managing digital certificates and public-key encryption.
What does POODLE stand for?
Padding Oracle on Downgrade Legacy Encryption
POODLE is a security vulnerability that affects SSL 3.0.
What does POP stand for?
Post Office Protocol
POP is a protocol used by email clients to retrieve emails from a server.
What does POTS stand for?
Plain Old Telephone Service
POTS refers to the traditional analog telephone service.
What does PPP stand for?
Point-to-Point Protocol
PPP is a data link protocol commonly used to establish a direct connection between two networking nodes.
What does PPTP stand for?
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PPTP is a method for implementing virtual private networks.
What does PSK stand for?
Pre-shared Key
PSK is a shared secret used for authentication in wireless networks.
What does PTZ stand for?
PTZ refers to cameras that can move in multiple directions and zoom in/out.
What does RA stand for?
Recovery Agent
RA is an entity that manages the recovery of encrypted data.
What does RA stand for in Registration Authority?
Registration Authority
RA is an entity that verifies the identity of users requesting digital certificates.