Imperial Russia Flashcards
How were Polish people prevented from reasserting Polish nationalism from 1848-1849?
Russian troops suppressed their attempts
What was the result of Russia getting involved in the Crimean War?
Russia was defeated
What was “nihilism?”
Rejected romantic illusions and instead favored rugged realism
The Russian Populist Movement pushed what notion?
Inevitability and desirability of a social and economic revolution
People of the Russian Populist Movement were _______ by Alexander II.
The emergency of the “Russian Social Democrats” and the “Russian Social Revolutionaries” came out of what?
Opposition to the Czarist government in Russia
Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks (1903-1912)?
How were the Bolsheviks characterized?
a member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which was renamed the Communist Party after seizing power in the October Revolution of 1917. – MAJORITY
How were the Mensheviks (1904) characterized?
Minority’s group that believed there needed to be a bourgeoise revolution first before working class could come to class consciousness; opposed idea of vanguard party.