Impending Crisis Flashcards
What did the Mason Dixon line do?
The line separated non-slave states from slave states from Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware
The Plantation Myth
Stated that slaves had better life’s than white people did. And that white people were really the slaves.
The Know-Nothings?
People who hated immigrants, blacks,catholics, irish, etc. But were pro-slavery and basically initiated the KKK.
Antebellum mean?
Pre-civil war
Who was Harriet Tubman?
An African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, and Union spy during the American Civil War. Born into slavery she escaped and helped rescue over 300 slaves. She was also known as the “Black Moses”
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Abolitionist and author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Kansas/ Nebraska Act?
Allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty. Kansas with slavery would violate the Missouri Compromise, which made the north angry. But senator Stephan A. Douglas of Illinois biggest desire was a transcontinental railroad to go through Chicago.
What was the Bleeding of Kansas?
Over 800 pro-slavery people marched to Lawrence town and burned the homes, buildings and threw the printing presses of the newspaper offices in the river.
Hinton Helper
He was an abolitionist that published books to the non-slaveholders of the south. Also author of the impending crisis.
What presidents were involved in the Amistad case?
President Martin Van Buren, John Quincy Adams which during the case was a house representative and practicing lawyer.
What countries were involved in the court case of Amistad?
West Africa, Spain, and America.
Compromise of 1850?
Declared that all runaway slaves were, upon capture, to be returned to their masters.
Fugitive Slave Laws
Forced authorities to return fugitive black slaves living in free states to their masters.
Personal Liberty Laws
Made it possible for fugitive slaves to have the right to a jury trail in the north states like Indiana, Connecticut, etc
Missouri Compromise
Made Missouri a slave state and in return made Maine a free state. Also it made a line bordering the slave and anti-slave regions in Louisiana.
Sumner/ Brook issue?
Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts was giving a speech on the bleeding of Kansas when senator Andrew Butler beat him with a cane.
Abolition Vs. Apologist
Abolitionist were usually from the north and anti-slavery. While the apologists were from the south and pro- slavery.
Gag rules
A law intended to limit freedom of the press, as by instituting censorship or restricting access to information.
Frederick Douglass
After escaping from slavery, he became a leader of the abolitionist movement by writing antislavery
Dred Scott Case
He was a slave who had been taken to a free slave state and then taken back to a slave state. He took his case to court to ask for an emancipation. But the court found that no black, free or slave, could claim U.S. citizenship, and therefore blacks were unable to petition the court for their freedom.
Nat Turner
Turner’s rebellion was one of the bloodiest and most effective in American history.
Denmark Vessey
An African-Caribbean who was famous for organizing a big slave revolt in the U.S. IN 1822.
John Brown
Was a big abolitionist who thought that the only way to stop slavery was to use arms and was a big role in massacres.
Impact of the underground railroad
Since it operated at night a lot of abolitionists used it to move fugitive slaves to the north helping slaves escape from their masters.
Harpers Ferry
That’s where john Brown led an unsuccessful raid against federals and was captured and later hung.