Impairments That Interfere With Walking Flashcards
Deviations of impaired proprioception?
- the individual aligns the GRF such that they can rely on passive structures during stance phases to ensure stability during these phases
- wide BOS
- excessive variability
Deviations observed with an impaired vestibular function?
- the individual has limited head motion
- wide BOS
- limited time in single limb stance
- poor reactive balance
- having greater difficulty in conditions of low light
- surfaces with an incline
- surfaces that are compliant
Deviations observed with pain?
- reduced time in single limb stance
- limited motion during phases which have a high joint moment
- grimaces during walking
What is the impairment if that individual:
- compensation with knee hyperextension during WA phases and Midstance to keep the flat foot on the ground
- foot flat contact
- excessive ankle plantarflexion at LR, MSt, and TSt
- early heel off during late Midstance
- excessive plantarflexion during swing limb advancement along with a compensatory strategy to clear the swing limb
Shortened gastroc/soleus with -15 degrees of ankle dorsiflexion motion
What is the impairment if the individual:
- compensates with a heel off through all stance phases
- excessive plantarflexion along with a compensatory strategy to clear the swing limb during swing limb advancement
- forefoot contact
- plantarflexion during all phases of gait
shortened gastroc/soleus with -30 degrees of ankle dorsiflexion motion
What is the impairment if the individual:
- excessive hip and knee flexion during all stance phases except for preswing
- terminal swing will be particularly problematic as the hamstrings will be on maximal stretch
Shortened hamstrings with popliteal angle of at least 45 degrees (lacks knee extension)
What is the impairment if the individual:
- walks with excessive hip flexion, along with knee flexion and dorsiflexion during all stance phases
- has an anterior pelvic tilt
- terminal stance will be particularly problematic as the iliopsoas will be on maximal stretch
Shortened iliopsoas with a Thomas test of at least 10 degrees (lacks hip extension)
What is the impairment if the individual:
- has excessive plantarflexion throughout the gait pattern
- a compensatory mechanism observed to clear the swing limb
- knee wobble observed at WA
Hypertonicity of gastroc-soleus
What is the impairment if the individual has:
- excessive knee flexion during stance phases and at terminal swing
- excessive hip flexion and ankle dorsiflexion during stance phases
Hypertonicity of hamstrings
What is the impairment if the individual has:
- difficulty with swing limb advancement, particularly at preswing and initial swing
- limited knee flexion at LR, preswing, and initial swing
- limited hip flexion at LR, preswing, and initial swing
- knee wobble at LR and preswing
Hypertonicity of quadriceps
What is the impairment if the individual has:
- difficulty with terminal stance
- excessive hip flexion at terminal stance
- anterior pelvic tilt
- as the limb is unloaded during swing limb advancement, there is a jerky motion at the thigh
Hypertonicity of iliopsoas
What is the impairment if the individual has:
- greatest difficulty with swing limb advancement
- forefoot contact or a foot slap
- excessive plantarflexion during swing limb advancement (foot drop)
- compensatory strategy to clear the swing limb
Weak Tibialis anterior
What is the impairment if the individual has:
- difficulty stabilizing the limb in single limb stance
- excessive dorsiflexion along with knee flexion and hip flexion in Midstance and terminal stance
- has difficulty pushing the knee forward using plantarflexion during preswing
- excessive dorsiflexion and limited knee and hip flexion at preswing
Weak gastroc-soleus
What is the impairment if the individual has:
- greatest difficulty with loading response
- forefoot contact
- extensor thrust at loading response
- forward trunk lean
- subtle knee hyperextension at LR
- excessive knee flexion at terminal swing
Weak quadriceps
What is the impairment if the individual has:
- greatest difficulty at terminal swing
- unable to decelerate the tibia
- knee hyperextension or a past retract at terminal swing
Weak hamstrings