Associated Deviations Flashcards
Forefoot Contact occurring with heel off during all phases
Heel pain, shortened gastroc-soleus
Forefoot contact occurring with excess plantarflexion during SLA (foot drag or drop)
Weak Tibialis anterior
Forefoot contact occurring with knee hyperextension during all phases
Weak quadriceps
Forefoot contact occurring with excess plantarflexion and knee wobble
Spastic gastroc-soleus
Foot slap
Weak Tibialis anterior
Foot flat contact occurring with excess plantarflexion during SLA
Weak Tibialis anterior
Foot flat contact occurring with knee hyperextension during WA
Weak quadriceps
Foot flat contact occurring with excess plantarflexion during all phases
Shortened gastroc-soleus
Forefoot contact occurring with excess plantarflexion during all phases
Shortened gastroc-soleus
Foot flat contact occurring with excess plantarflexion and knee wobble
Spastic gastroc-soleus
Excess plantarflexion occurring ONLY during SLA
Weak Tibialis anterior
Excess plantarflexion occurring during all phases with knee hyperextension and forward trunk lean at WA
Shortened gastroc-soleus
Excess plantarflexion occurring during all phases with heel off at MSt
Shortened gastroc-soleus
Excess plantarflexion occurring during all phases with knee wobble at WA
Spastic gastroc-soleus
Excess plantarflexion with knee hyperextension during WA
Weak quadriceps
Excess plantarflexion occurring with excessive variability and locking knee and hip into extension
Impaired proprioception
Excess dorsiflexion occurring progressively greater during SLS with hip and knee flexion
Weak gastroc-soleus
Excess dorsiflexion occurring during all stance phases along with excessive hip and knee flexion
Shortened hamstrings or iliopsoas
Heel off occurring with excessive plantarflexion during all stance phases
Heel pain, shortened gastroc-soleus
Heel off occurring with excessive plantarflexion during all phases and knee wobble at WA
Gastroc-soleus spasticity
No heel off with excessive dorsiflexion at TSt with excessive hip and knee flexion
Weak gastroc-soleus
No heel off occurring with limited weight bearing on met heads
Forefoot or mid foot pain
Foot drag or contralateral vault occurring with excess plantarflexion during SLA
Tibialis anterior weakness
Foot drag or contralateral vault occurring with excess plantarflexion during all phases, knee hyperextension at WA or heel off at MSt
Shortened gastroc-soleus
Foot drag or contralateral vault occurring with excess plantarflexion during all phases and knee wobble at WA
Gastroc-soleus spasticity
Foot drag or contralateral vault occurring with limited knee flexion during SLA and knee wobble at WA
Quadriceps spasticity
Foot drag or contralateral vault occurring with limited knee flexion during SLA and WA and limited time in SLS (limping)
Knee pain
Foot drag or contralateral vault occurring with limited knee flexion during SLA and insufficient plantarflexion at PSw
Weak gastroc-soleus