Impaired motor control Flashcards
The neural aspect of force production reflects? (3)
# of motor units type of motor units discharge frequency of motor units
strength =
force production + motor units
weakness due to damage to:
primary motor cortex, corticospinal tract, alpha motor neurons, muscle
weakness from disuse due to damage from:
premotor region, supplementery motor region, basal ganglia, and cerebellum
paresis is a result of…
lesion to descending motor systems which interferes w/ central excitatory drive to recruit motor units
what happens during a stretch reflex?
muscle spindles elongated as muscle is stretched and a sensory signal is sent to the reflex arch
what is reciprical inhibition controlled by?
inhibitory interneurons
hyperexcitability of alpha motor neuron can be due to:
loss of inhibitory input, postsynaptic dennervation, shortening of motor units, collateral sprouting
an increased reaction time can be do to:
force generation problem, decreased rate of firing, and lack of ROM
rigidity is predominant in what muscles?
flexor muscles of trunk and limbs
define somatagnosia. what lobes do they effect?
lack of body scheme
dominant parietal and dominant temporal lobe
what lobes does discrimintation effecT?
parietal lobes of either side
which lobe does anosognosia affect?
non dominant parietal lobe
rigidity is predominantly in:
upper flexor muscle limbs
hypotonia can be due to what lesion?
pt problems in lateral hemisphere of cerebellum:
problems with limb coordination
pt problems in intermediate lobe of cerebellum:
problems with movement execution
what kind of strokes cause timing issues?
an intention tremor affects what regions?
cerebellum, afferent, and efferent pathways
what side brain damage causes apraxia?
L sided damage