Impacts on Water Flashcards
What type of water is globally abundant?
Fresh water
What is happening to the water in many parts of the world?
Supplies are inadequate and dwindling
What is happening to the water cycle?
There is a disruption to it
What is the possible solution to scarcity of water?
What is the disadvantages of desalinization?
Economically inefficient
Not cheap for agricultural needs
What is the purpose of channelization?
To control floodwaters/improve navigation
construction of embarkments and dikes
straightening, widening and/or deepening of channels
reduces natural storage of floodwaters, aggravates flood peaks downstream, excessive erosion
What are the modification of streams?
Construction of:
Why do humans modify streams?
To prevent flooding
regulate supply
generate power
Where is the primary adverse human impact on water felt?
In the area of water quality
What is water pollution brought about by?
The discharge into water substances that cause unfavorable changes in it chemical/physical nature or in the quantity and quality of the organisms living in the water
What are the major contributors to water pollution?
Municipalities and residences (EX: algae blooms)
What are the ways to controlling water pollution?
Public education programs
Environmental organizations
manual clean-ups
Companies adopt “green” plans
Water quality legislation, national and international (EX: the clean water Act)
Ban or regulate pollutants
preservation or restoration of wetlands
What is the most useful strategy of controlling water pollution?
Avoid producing or releasing it
What are the examples of avoiding production or release of water pollution?
Recycle or reuse waste materials
sewage treatment
clean up leaking landfills and abandoned dumps
use fewer fertilizers and pesticides
Reduce chemical runoff from mining
What is higher than pollution-control projects?
Long-term costs of pollution