Ecosystems Flashcards
What are the 3 interrelated parts of the Biosphere?
What are the 2 intertwined components in the biosphere?
Sun and requisite chemicals
Living world of plants and animals
What does the biosphere may be subdivided into?
What is an ecosystem?
Self-sustaining units that consist of plants, animals, and physical features existing together in an area
(or where lives that work together to create a sustainable environment in a given area)
What refers to the way in which an organism fits into an ecological ecosystem?
What does morphology means?
An organisms physical structure, physiological, and behavioral adaptations to its surroundings
What is a Food Chain?
A sequence of organisms through which energy and materials move within an ecosystem
Is it true that there is no start or end to a food chain?
What happens when each lower level in the food chain transfers parts of its contained energy to the next higher-level consumer?
Nutrients gets transferred
(also known as the nutritional transfer stages)
Are there decomposers in the food chain?
Name the levels of the energy pyramid? (Bottom to top)
Primary consumers
secondary consumers
Tertiary consumers
What is bioaccumulation?
When small creature (macroinvertebrates) eats chemicals that are on the sea floor. These small creatures then get eaten by small fish who start to accumulate these chemicals. Later these small fish get eaten by larger fish, building more and more of the accumulation of chemicals in the fish’s body.
What is Biomagnification?
When larger animals consumer smaller preys that store chemicals within them.
Contaminated fish = gets consumed = Contaminates Seal
Contaminated Seal = gets consumed = Contaminates Bear
Did the impact of humans on ecosystems increased or decreased?
Who created the IPAT Equation? When was it made?
Barry Commoner
Paul R. Ehrlich
John Holdren
What is the IPAT Equation?
I (Impact on the environment)
P (Population)
A (Affluence)
(T (Technology factor)
What 2 items contribute to greater strain on the environment?
Growing population
Rising standards of living
What can increase or decrease impact?