Impact Of WWII on The Depression Flashcards
How many new workers were there and where as a result of WWII?
1.5 million in California
What ended unemployment?
How many women joined the workforce due to WWII?
7 million
How did WWII increase government funds?
$120 billion was given to the war bonds
How did WWII increase wages and spending power?
Many invested their income
How did WWII lead to farming recovery?
Farmers could get more money as USA exported food to its allies
Over how many businesses started during WWII?
Over 1/2 a million
How did companies grow in WWII?
Coca Cola became the most successful soft drink in the world and wrigleys was responsible for packing rations
How did the government get money to spend on wartime production and what did this do?
Through Americans who contributed $129 billion to the war effort by buying bonds, boosting the economy
What did lend lease send and to who?
Arms, food, medicine and other equipment to the SU, China, France and others against Germany and China
What was the main form of support to countries in the war and when did this begin?
March 1941, lend lease where USA made materials for certain countries for mo payment received during wartime
How much moneys worth of materials were shipped in lend lease?
$50.1 billions worth
What is isolationism?
Keeping away from affairs of other countries
How many women joined the armed forces?
300,000 women
Give a company that took on extra workers during the war.
General Motors took on an extra 0.75 million
How were African Americans finding jobs?
0.75 million African Americans found work in war industries
How many worked in factories during the war?
14 million
How was the USA effectively producing weapons and how does this compare to other countries?
By 1944, the USA produced almost half the weapons being made in the world, over 2x the production of Germany and Japan combined
Around how many tanks and small guns were made between 1941 and 1945
Just over 102,000 tanks and just over 2 million small guns
How did Roosevelt help meet war production needs?
He set up the war production board for advice
Give three social improvements for women as a result of the war
- In a government survey, 60% of American plant managers said that women were the best workers
- 4 US states made equal pay for women compulsory
- 1 in 3 aircraft workers were women
Give 3 social set backs for women as a result of the war
- 1 million women had to leave their jobs once the war was over
- after the war, women were generally excluded from top paying jobs
- on average, women earned 50-60% less that meme doing the same job
Give 3 social improvements for African Americans due to the war
- 2 million were producing war materials in factories
- many African Americans stationed in Britain where going into pubs and restaurants with whites
- hundreds of black officers where in the army and marines
Give 3 social set backs for African Americans due to the war
- discrimination for navy soldiers led to the death of 323 people who were mainly black in an unlawful accident in 1944
- many African Americans were limited to menial tasks like cooking and cleaning in the army
- membership for the National Association of the Advancement of Coloured People rose form 50,000 to almost 1/2 a million as they thought life would change but whites assumed things would return to ‘normal’
How many women had war jobs by 1945?
6 million
What fraction of female workers didn’t want to quit after the war?
Give an example of how a segregated military was enforced
Whoever refused a segregated military went to prison
What did black marines call themselves and why?
The lost battalion as there was so little they could do
What group experienced most social improvements in the war?