Disease-producing organism that enters the body when given opportunity
opportunistic infection
example of opportunistic infection
C. Diff (clostridium difficle)
true pathogen is :
organisms with ability to invade individual’s healthy tissues through self-inherent power; don’t require special conditions to infect
bacterial pneumonia is an_____ because its course is _____.
acute infection, rapid/severe
Hepatitis C is a _____ infection because its course is ____
chronic, slow/lengthy
some infections can start as a ____ process then develop into a ____process
acute, chronic
what are the 4 steps of the infectious disease course?
Incubation: entrance of microbes & beginning of symptoms
Prodromal: earliest symptoms begin
Acute: timeframe of actual illness*
Convalescent: febrile decline and acute symptoms
*pt will experience the most pain/discomfort during acute stage
an abscess in one area is an example of:
local infection
abscessed teeth are an example of:
focal infection
causative agent’s 2 factors are ___ of organisms and the ____ of the organism
number, virulence
what are the links of the chain of infection?
causative agent
reservoir: where pathogen lives
Port of exit: how pathogen leaves
mode of transmission: how pathogen transports
entry portal: how pathogen enters new host
susceptible host: depending on if host is resistant or susceptible
true or false: a gram-positive organism DOESNT retain the dye stain
what occurs in species and prevents one species from contracting an illness from another?
natural immunity
what is innate immunity?
genetic or inherited immunity
active and passive immunity is ____ immunity
phagocytosis is:
the power of WBCs to engulf foreign material
the most important, non-specific defense response of living body tissue to injurious agent is :
inflammatory response
inflammatory response process is:
localization, removal, neutralization/destruction, and repairing damage
redness, warmth, edema, and pain are ___ inflammatory responses
systemic inflammatory responses are:
fever and leukocytosis
the intensity of the inflammatory response depends on the __________ __ __ ____
resistance of the host
increased resistance to an organism is:
specific immunity
foreign particle/protein whose host entrance stimulates antibody production
bodily response to an antigen
bodily response of producing antibodies to a specific antigen (long-term):
active immunity
immunity built up another person or animal (short-term):
passive immunity
give an example of natural active and artificial active immunity
natural: contracting disease
artificial: vaccines
give an example of passive natural and passive artificial immunity?
natural: mom to baby
artificial: gamma globulin injection, snake venom
disease affecting large number of community members simultaneously
disease constantly present in an area with limited number of cases
worldwide outbreak of disease
destroys microbes on inanimate objects
absence of microbes
____ inhibits bacteria growth
____ kills bacteria
a ___ is an animate/inanimate transmission object
true or false: autoclaving is the most reliable method of sterilization
what did Koch define?
microbe is causative agent of disease
what kind of infection can be easily communicated, natrually/unnaturally?
communicable disease