Immunologic Flashcards
How is AIDS transmitted?
- Horizontal transmission: from either sexual contact or parenteral exposure to blood or blood products
- Vertical transmission: from HIV-infected mother to infant
What is horizontal transmission?
• Horizontal transmission: from either sexual contact or parenteral exposure to blood or blood products
What is vertical transmission?
Vertical transmission: from HIV-infected mother to infant
Where are the greatest concentrations of AIDS virus found?
Blood, semen, cerebrospinal fluid, cervical/ vaginal secretions, and breast milk
What are the early signs and symptoms of HIV?
• Fever • Night sweats • Chronic diarrhea • Fatigue • Minor oral infection • Headache • Vaginal candidiasis • Cough • Shortness of breath • Cutaneous changes – rash, nail bed changes, dry skin, psoriasis, dermatitis
True or false: HIV is a somatotropic virus
False, it is neurotropic
True or false; HIV attacks the central nervous system and leaves the peripheral nervous system unharmed
False; it impacts both
What are the neurological symptoms of HIV?
- Difficulty with concentration and memory
- Headaches
- Seizures
- Paralysis
- Motor dysfunction; balance/coordin
- Gradual weakness of extremities
- Numbness and tingling
- Radiculopathy
What are the organ specific autoimmune diseases?
Thyroiditis Addisons Graves Chronic hepatitis Pernicious anemia Ulcerative colitis IDDM
True or false; fibromyalgia is more common in women than men
True or false; fibromyalgia is only found in people over 40
False; its found in preadolescents to postmenopausal women
True or false; fibromyalgia is a genetically predisposed condition
Fibromyalgia is a dysregulation of ________ and the _______________.
Neurohormonal and autonomic nervous system
What is fibromyalgia triggered by?
Viral infection
Traumatic event
What is the difference between myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia?
- trigger points
- localized musculoskeletal condition
- no associated signs or symptoms
- etiology; over use, repetitive motions, reduced muscle activity
- tender points
- systemic condition
- wide array of associated signs and symptoms
- etiology; neurohormonal imbalance, autonomic nervous system dysfunction
What are the core features of fibromyalgia?
• Widespread pain lasting more than 3 months • Widespread local tenderness • Primary musculoskeletal symptoms » Aches and pain » Stiffness » Swelling in soft tissue » Tender points » Muscle spasms or nodules
What are the signs and symptoms of RA?
Swelling in 1+ joints Early morning stiffness Recurring pain/tenderness in joint Inability to move joint normally Obnoxious redness/warmth in joint Unexplained weight loss, fever, weakness in addition to joint pain Symptoms last >2weeks
Symptoms of Sclerodema
Calcinosis Raynaud's Esophageal ddysmotility, dysphagia, heartburn Sclerodactyly Telangiectasia
Symptoms of advanced spondylitis
-constant LBP
-loss of normal lumbar lordosis
-ankylosis of sacroiliac joints and spine
-muscle wasting in shoulder and pelvis
-dorsocervical kyphosis
-decreased chest expansion
Arthritis in peripheral joints
-hip flexion in standing
Sighs and symptoms of psoriatic arthritis
Fever Fatigue Dystrophic nail changes Polyarthritis Psoriasis Sore fingers
Signs and symptoms of MS
- unilateral visual impairment
- paresthesias
- ataxia/ unsteadiness
- vertigo
- fatigue
- muscle weakness
- bowel and bladder dysfunction
- speech impairment
Signs and symptoms of Guillan Barre Syndrome
- Muscular weakness, bilateral, progressing legs to arms, chest and neck
- diminished DTR
- paresthesias
- fever, malaise
- nausea