Cardiovascular Disease Flashcards
Cardinal symptoms of cardiac disease
usually include …
chest, neck and /or arm pain or discomfort palpations dyspnea syncope fatigue cough diaphoresis cyanosis
_______ and ________ are the most common symptoms of the vascular component of a cardiovascular pathologic condition
Edema and leg pain
Signs and symptoms of cardiovascular system
Weakness Fatigue Weight change Poor exercise tolerance Peripheral edema Pressure ulcers Loss of body hair Cyanosis (lips and nail beds) Headaches Impaired vision Dizziness of syncope Labored breathing, dyspnea Productive cough Urinary frequent Nocturia Concentrated urine Decreased urinary output Chest, shoulder, back, neck, jaw or arm pain Myalgias Muscular fatigue Muscular atrophy Edema Claudication Nausea and vomiting Ascites (abdominal distention)
What is chronic stable angina?
It’s stable, it has an established exertional level of onset
What is resting angina?
Medical emergency
Chest pain at rest
What is unstable angina?
No exertional level of onset
True or false; stable angina can become unstable angina
When is the onset of nocturnal angina?
When they lay down at night
What is atypical angina?
They feel the pain elsewhere
When does someone experience Prinzmetal angina?
First thing in the morning
The blood is thicker, resulting in vasospasms
What are the signs and symptoms of a myocardial infarction?
- May be silent (smokers, diabetics: reduced sensitivity to pain)
- Sudden cardiac death
- Prolonged or severe substernal chest pain or squeezing pressure
- Pain possibly radiating down one or both arms and/or up to the throat, neck, back, jaw, shoulders, or arms
- Feeling of indigestion
- Angina lasting for 30 minutes or more
- Angina unrelieved by rest, nitroglycerin, or antacids
- Pain of infarct unrelieved by rest or a change in position
- Nausea
- Sudden dimness or loss of vision or loss of speech
- Pallor
- Diaphoresis (heavy perspiration)
- Shortness of breath
- Weakness, numbness, and feelings of faintness
What are the clinical signs and symptoms of myocardial ischemia in women?
- Heart pain in women does not always follow classic patterns
- Many women do experience classic chest discomfort
- Older female: mental status change or confusion may be common
- Dyspnea (at rest or with exertion)
- Weakness and lethargy (unusual fatigue; fatigue that interferes with ability to perform activities of daily living)
- Indigestion, heart burn, or stomach pain; mistakenly diagnosed or assumed to have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Anxiety or depression
- Sleep disturbance (woman awakens with any of the symptoms listed here)
- Sensation similar to inhaling cold air; unable to talk or breathe
- Isolated, continuous mid-thoracic or interscapular back pain
Isolated right biceps aching - Symptoms may be relieved by antacids (sometimes antacids work better than nitroglycerin)
What are the signs and symptoms of pericarditis?
- Substernal pain that may radiate to the neck, upper back, upper trapezius muscle, left supra- clavicular area, down the left arm to the costal margins
•Difficulty in swallowing
•Pain relieved by leaning forward or sitting upright
•Pain relieved or reduced by holding the breath - Pain aggravated by movement associated with deep breathing (laughing, coughing, deep inspiration)
• Pain aggravated by trunk movements (side bending or rotation) and by lying down
• History of fever, chills, weakness, or heart disease (a recent myocardial infarction accompanying the pattern of symptoms may alert the therapist to the need for medical referral to rule out cardiac involvement)
• Cough
• Lower extremity edema (feet, ankles, legs)
What are the signs and symptoms of left ventricular failure?
- Fatigue and dyspnea after mild physical exertion or exercise
- Persistent spasmodic cough, especially when lying down, while fluid moves from the extremities to the lungs
- Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (occurring sud- denly at night)
- Orthopnea (person must be in the upright position to breathe)
- Tachycardia
- Fatigue and muscle weakness
- Edema (especially of the legs and ankles) and weight gain
- Irritability/restlessness
- Decreased renal function or frequent urination at night
_____ sided heart failure can cause _____ sided heart failure
Left causes right
What are the signs and symptoms of right sided heart failure?
- Increased fatigue
• Dependent edema (usually beginning in the ankles)
•Pitting edema (after 5 to 10 pounds of edema accumulate)
• Edema in the sacral area or the back of the thighs
• Right upper quadrant pain - Cyanosis of nail beds
What are the risk factors for an aneurysm?
- Recent infection
- Congenital heart disease
- Weight lifting
- Orthopedic surgery
What are the signs and symptoms of aneurysm?
-Palpable, pulsating mass (abdomen, popliteal space)
-Abdominal “heartbeat” felt by the client when lying down
-Dull ache in the midabdominal left flank or low back
-Groin and/or leg pain
-Weakness or transient paralysis of legs.
What are the signs and symptoms of a ruptured aneurysm?
- Sudden, severe chest pain with a tearing sensation
-Pain may extend to the neck, shoulders, between the scapulae, lower back, or abdomen; pain radiating to the posterior thighs helps distinguish it from a myocardial infarction
-Pain is not relieved by change in position - Pain may be described as “tearing” or “ripping”
-Pulsating abdominal mass
-Other signs: cold, pulseless lower extremities,
-BP changes (more than 10 mm Hg difference in diastolic BP between arms; systolic BP less than lOOmmHg)
-Pulse rate more than 100 beats/min Ecchymoses in the flank and perianal area Lightheadedness and nausea
SBP – DBP = _________
pulse pressure
What are the clinical signs and symptoms for hypertension?
- Occipital headache
- Vertigo (dizziness)
- Flushed face
- Spontaneous epistaxis
- Vision Change
- Nocturnal urinary frequency
What are the signs and symptoms of orthostatic hypotension?
- Change in BP (decrease) and pulse (increase)
- Lightheadedness, dizziness
- Pallor, diaphoresis
- Syncope or fainting
- Mental or visual blurring
- Sense of weakness or rubbery legs