Immuno overview Flashcards
study of components of immune system
specializes in lab detection and measurement of antibodies
“first barrier to infection”
first line of defense
unbroken skin forms physical barrier
first line of defense
“normal flora”
normal biota
consists of bacte found in body parts
normal biota
produce additional protection in respiratory system
ciliated epithilial cells
“natural immunity”
second line of defense
the way our body naturally resists infection
natural resistance
“natural antibiotics”
soluble substances
family of protein produced by cells in response to vital infection
“adaptive/acquired infection”
third line of defense
allows body to recognize and respond to stimulus
third line of defense
type of acquired immunity that stimulates production of antibodies
active immunity
type of acquired immunity that is a short term immunization by injecting antibodies
passive immunity
cells that respond to nonself substances or antigens that lead to immune memory
type of host that is able to recognize foreign antigens
immunocompetent host
immunity that acts as primary defense against bacterial infection
humoral mediated immunity
vaccines that expand pool of memory cells
periodic booster vaccinations
composed of living suspensions of weak or killed cells and viruses
what causes immediate hypersensitivityreactions
intravenous penicillin injection
most dramatic and devastating manifestation of hypersensitivity
subset of body’s antibody mediated mechanism
immediate hypersensitivity reactions
suppression of normal adaptive immune response