Immunization Flashcards
DAPTACEL, Infanrix, Tripedia
DTaP, Diptheria Toxoid, Tetanus toxid and acellular pertussis containing vaccines, store in refrigerator, shake before use, IM
DTaP-IPV, Diptheria Toxoid, Tetanus toxid and acellular pertussis containing vaccines, store in refrigerator, shake before use, IM
DTaP-HepB-IPV, Diptheria Toxoid, Tetanus toxid and acellular pertussis containing vaccines, store in refrigerator, shake before use, IM
DTaP-IPV/Hib, Diptheria Toxoid, Tetanus toxid and acellular pertussis containing vaccines, store in refrigerator, shake before use, IM
ActHIB, Hiberix, PedvaxHIB
Hib, Haemophilus influenzae type b-containing vaccines, store in refrigerator, shake before use, IM
Hib-Hep B, Haemophilus influenzae type b-containing vaccine, store in refrigerator, shake before use, IM
Dtap-IPV/Hib, Haemophilus influenzae type b-containing vaccine, store in refrigerator, shake before use, IM
Havrix, Vaqta
Hep A, Hepatitis containing vaccines, Hep A is given to children > 1 yo as a routine vaccination, and in adults for MSM, IV drug abusers, chronic dz, traverlers to countries with high Heb A incidence, store in refrigerator, shake prior to use, IM. Older than 18 yo inject 1mL IM
Diptheria Toxoid
tetanus toxoid and acellular pertussis containing vaccine
series given to children younger than 7 years of age
Haemophilus influenzae type b- Containing Vaccines
Hib: given to children and sometimes adults if HIV+, splenectomy, sickle cell disease, leukemia, or if they have not previously received Hib vaccine
Engerix-B, Recombivax HB
Hep B, health care workers (required by OSHA), MSM, anyone w multiple partners, IV drug users, ESRD, chronic liver disease, Adults & adolescents: 3 dose series given at 0,1,and 6 months, infants: dose 1 at birth, dose 2 is 1-2 months of age, dose 3 no earlier than 24 wks (only if administer HBV vaccine by itself and dose not apply to pediatrix combo products like Comvax), store in refrigerator, shake prior, IM
Hep A & B, administer 3 doses at 0, 1, 6 months or accerlerated dosing (4 doses) days 0, 7, and 21 to 30, followed by a booster dose at month 12, store in refrigerator, shake prior, IM
HPV 2, human papillomarvirus vaccines, bivalent vaccine, only provides immunity against the HPV strains that cause cervical cancer, TOTAL 3 DOSES: 1st dose then DOSE 2 IS 1-2 months after dose 1, DOSE 3 is 6 months after 1st dose, females 9 - 26 yo, ACIP recommends 3 dose series btwn age 11-12 yo with catch up vaccination at age 13-26 yo, vaccination can begin at 9 yo and ideally before sexual, store in refrigerator, protect from light, shake prior, IM
HPV4, quadrivalent vaccine provides immunity against HPV strains against cervical cancer, PAP abnormalities, and genital warts, females & indicated for males 9 - 26 yo, TOTAL 3 DOSES: 1st dose then DOSE 2 IS 1-2 months after dose 1, DOSE 3 is 6 months after 1st dose, females and men 9 - 26 yo, ACIP recommends 3 dose series btwn age 11-12 yo with catch up vaccination at age 13-26 yo, vaccination can begin at 9 yo and ideally before sexual, store in refrigerator, protect from light, shake prior, IM
LAIV, influenza vacccines, ACIP recommends flu vaccin for ALL > 6mo annually, refrigerator, Intranasal
Aflura, Agriflu, Fluarix, FluLaval, Fluvirin, Fluzone, Fluzone High Dose, Fluzone Intradermal
TIV, influenza vaccine, refrigerator, IM & intradermal injections
MMR: Measle, Mumps and Rubella containing vaccine, given to children, refrigerator or freezer, protect from light, SC
MMRV, freezer due to varicella component, protect from light, SC
Menactra, Menevo
MCV4, meningococcal vaccine, Menactra 9 mo to 55 yo, meneveo 2 -55 yo, refrigerator, protect from light, IM
MPSV4, meningocoocal vaccine, use in > 56 yo, refrigerator, protect from light, SC
Prevnar 13
PCV 13, pneumococcal conjugate, routine vaccination for all infants yougner than 2yo given at 2, 4, 6 and 12-15 months, refrigerator, shake prior, IM (prevnar has 7 serotypes if start with PCV 7 can finish with 13), revaccinate
Pneumovax 23
PPSV23, penumococcal polysaccharide, 65+ All, 19-64 if smoke or asthma, 2-64 with chronic illness, refrigerator, shake prior, IM or SC
IPV (Inactivated Poliomyelitis Vaccine), poliovirus containing vaccine, given to all children,
RV1, rotavirus vaccine, ALL CHILDREN, oral suspensions, other oral is Vivotif Berna (typhoid) capsules that must be refrigerated
Rota Teq
RV5, rotavirus vaccine, ALL CHILDREN, oral suspensions, other oral is Vivotif Berna (typhoid) capsules that must be refrigerated
Tetanus Toxoid
TT, tetanus toxoid vaccine, tetanus should always be administered with diptheria toxoid and Tdap should alwas be administered if patient has not had a dose
Td, tetanus toxoid, may be used in wound prophylaxis, IM, used for primary series in infants and children < 7yo who have CI to pertussis antigen
Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoid
DT, tetanus toxoid and diphtheria toxoid containing vaccines, IM, used for primary series in infants and children < 7yo who have CI to pertussis antigen
Adacel, Boostrix
Tdap, administer a one time dose of Tdap to adults aged < 65 years who have not rec’d Tdap previously or for vaccine status unknown to replace one of the 10 yr TD booster or prego > 20 wks gestation should recieve Tdap, ALL tetanus, diptheria and pertussis containing vaccines refrigerator, IM
LIVE VACCINE, VAR, varicella containing vaccine, children get varicella at 12 mo & again at 4 yo, All adults without evidence of immunity of varicella should recieve 2 doses 4 weeks apart, frozen @ 15 degrees celcius, contains 2 components vaccine & diluent, protect from light, store diluent in refrigerator, DO NOT GIVE IN prego or immunocompromised bc live vaccine or hypersensitivity to gelatin or neomycin, SC
ZOS, herpes zoster/shingles, live vaccine, SC, keep vaccine frozen at 15 degrees celcius, Do not give to prego, immunocompromised, hypersensitivity to gelatin or neomycin
Refrigerate these vaccines
DT, Td, DTaP, DTaP combos w other vaccines, Tdap, Hib, Hib combos, HPV, polio (IPV) SC or IM, all influenza, MMR (reconstituted, SC), pneumococcal vaccines, rotavirus vaccines