Immunisation and Prophylaxis Flashcards
Why use a live vaccine vs killed vaccine?
Killed vaccine has lower immune response so more doses required whilst with a live vaccine you get high sustained levels of antibody after one dose
What are the types of vaccines?
Live attenuated
Inactivated (killed)
Detoxified exotoxin
Subunit of micro-organism; purified microbial products, recombinant
What are some live attenuated vaccines?
MMR, BCG, VZV, yellow fever, smallpox, typhoid (oral), polio (oral), rotavirus (oral)
What are some inactivated vaccines?
Polio, Hep A, cholera (oral), rabies, Japanese encephalitis, tick borne encephalitis, influenza
What are some detoxified exotoxin vaccines?
diptheria, tetanua
What are some subunit vaccines?
pertussis, haemophilus influenza B, meningococcus group C, pneumococcus, typhoid, anthrax, hep B
What is the 6 in 1 virus for?
- D = purified diphtheria toxoid
- T = purified tetanus toxoid
- aP = purified Bordtella pertussis
- IPV = inactivated polio virus
- Hib = purified component of Haemophilus influenzae B
- HBV = hep B rDNA
What is the childhood vaccination schedule up to 1 year?
2 months; 6in1 + pneumococcal conjugate + rotavirus + MenB
3 months; 6in1 + rotavirus
4 months; 6in1 + pneumococcal conjugate + MenB
1 year; Hib/MenC + MMR + pneumococcal conjugate + MenB
What is the childhood vaccination schedule from 2-8 years?
influenza nasal
3-5 years; 4in1 booster + MMR
What are the teenage vaccinations?
Girls 12,13 years; HPV
14 years; 3in1 booster, MenACWY
What are the additional vaccinations available to certain groups?
BCG, influenza, pneumococcal, HepB, VZV, HZV
Describe immunisation in travellers
Risk assessment; health of traveller, previous immunisations, area to be visited, duration, accomodation, remote areas, activities, recent outbreaks
What general advice is given to travellers?
Care with food/water Hand washing Sunburn/stroke Altitude RTAs Safe sex Mosquitoes
What are common travel immunisations?
Teatnus Polio Typhoid Hep A Yellow fever Cholera
What is the ABCD of malaria prevention?
Awareness of risk
Bite prevention
Diagnosis and treatment