Immune system and the Bodys Deffenses questions Flashcards
Unit 1 A&P
Define Infectious Agent
things that cause disease or damage to host
What are the five major categories of infectious agents?
Multinucelluar parasites
Describe Bacteria
- prokaryotic
- single cell
- lack nuclear envelope
-Strep throat, Staph infection
Describe Viruses
- not a cell
- made from DNA/ RNA in a shell
- obligate intracelluar parasites
- COVID, Common cold
Describe Fungi
- Eukaryotic
- Uni/Multi cellular
-makes spores - releases prolytic enzymes
- Molds, diaper rash
Describe protozoans
- Eukaryotic
- lack cell wall
- unicellular parasites
- messes w/ normal cell function
- Malaria
Describe Multicellular parasites
- Eukaryotic
- Multicellular
-Live in host - tape worms
Describe a Prion and name a disease they causes, Why?
- Small disease-causing protein
- Mad cow
prions transfer from cows to humans as they eat the meat
Define specific and nonspecific defense.
Specific defense
- not born with
- body fights off things we are exposed to over a lifetime
- eliminates foreign substance
Nonspecific Defense(Innate)
-Born with
- protects us from many substances
-skin, mucous membranes, T/ B lymphocytes
Which of the two does NOT depend on prior exposure to the pathogen?
innate/nonspecific defense
How is the first line of defense different from the second line of defense?
First line
- prevents entry of pathogens
- nonspecific defense
-skin and mucous membranes
Second line
- nonspecific internal defense
- effective for a wide range of pathogens
What is produced during the first line of defense in the skin and mucous membranes that provides protection?
Define cytokines
- small soluble proteins made by cells of innate and adaptive immunity
What are the three second lines of defense?
- cellular defense
- Antimicrobial proteins
- Inflammation
Define phagocytosis
- non specific
- neutrophils and macrophages go to an infected area to remove debris
- pathogen gets trapped in phagosome, fuses to lysosome to form phagolysosome
What is the process of phagocytosis
- Chemotaxis
- Adherence
- Ingestion
- Digestion
- killing
understande the 5 processes in phagocytosis.
Name the cells involved in cellular defense.
Fixed and wondering macrophages
Dendritic Cells
Basophils & Mast cells
NK cells
Where are Neurophils formed? Travel to?
Bone Marrow
- blood then tissues
Where are macrophages formed? Travel to?
extracellular matrix between cells
Where are fixed and wandering macrophages formed? Travel to?
bone marrow
blood as a monocyte
Dendritic cells are formed where? Travel to?
Bone marrow
-peripheral tissues
Basophil and mast cells are formed where?Travel to?
Bone marrow
blood and tissue
eosinophils are formed where? Travel to?
Bone marrow
-mucous of respiratory, digestive and lower urinary tracts
where are NK cells formed and where do they travel to
bone marrow
-lymphoid organs, liver,lungs
Understand antigen presentation by macrophages.
programmed to look for and eat foreign particles between cells
How are fixed macrophages different from wandering macrophages?
- sets up houses in a tissue to monitor for pathogens
- moves in/out of blood and lymph to monitor pathogens
Where can fixed macrophages be found?
Macrophages of loose connective tissue
- Microglia in CNS
- Hepatic macrophages in liver
- Areolar macrophages in lungs
What is a dendritic cell?
Phagocytic cells of skin and mucous membrane
What is the difference between a basophil and mast cell?
-circulate blood
Mast Cells
- in CT of skin, mucosal linings and internal organs
What chemicals are secreted by basophils and mast cells?
What is a NK cell?
Cells that starts apoptosis
How do NK cells destroy cells?
gives perforin and granzyme to start apoptosis of infected cells
antimicrobial protein provide…
short term, nonspecific resistance
what do histamines do?
increase blood flow
speeds up leukocytes to certain area
what does heparin do?
stops formation of clots