Immune system (2-4) Flashcards
Why do Jehovah’s witnesses object to blood transfusions?
biblical verses whish forbod ingestion of blood. eating meat with residual bllod tho is fine.
what is the sacredness of blood?
idea that the life of a being resides in its blood
What about when kids need it and parents refuse?
medical staff can overrule if it means the child wont live.
What have doctors done to try and accomidate these religious wishes>
bloodless surgeries that dont require blood transfusions of other peoples blood to replace lost blood during surgery
advantages of bloodless surgery
quicker recovery, less invasive, and spend less time on ventilators
Advantages/ disadvantages of the use of biomedical research on animal models?
cheap and quick (adv)
hard to have relevance (dis)
what is a surrogate outcome?
a measurable outcome that is not a clinical outcome but might correlate with a clinical outcome
advantages/ diadvantages of surrogate outcome?
ad: cost and time
dis: relevance, it might not ne effective with other diseases
What are case series?
the study of causes and spreads of disease
What are case-control studies? (retrospective studies)
comparing a pop with the disease (case) with a pop without disease (control) and retrospectively comparing the two to determine information
What are cohort studies? (prospective studies)
the following of groups or situations (cohorts) and propectively anaylsisng the sprisk fatcors in each grooup for diseases etc.
What are the 5 aspects of our innate defenses?
barriers, phagocytes, natural killer cells, inflammation, and fever
adaptive defenses (3)
B-cells, helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells
what two for communication?
ctytokine, and antigen presentation
What is a healthy immune system?
can fight off infection
Why is it better to study immune system with respect to a specific disease>
because there is no way to measure whether your immune system is depressed or boosted but certain diseases depress immune system function
In regards to immune system, what research method is mostly used?
surrogate studies
why is cohort studies not often used?
expensive and time-consuming.
What factors are known to weaken immune system function?
malnutrition, shortage of certain minerals, too much work to do, diseases of cells of the immune system, fatigue
regarding research on specific micronutrients, what are the two issues?
1) deficiency effect on immune system?
2) if normal intake, strengthen immune system?
low levels- cancer
cofactor for enzymes, one egg is generally enough to satisfy selenium amounts
Vit. A
low levels- higher risks of infectious diseases
roboflavin (vit B2)
confers some resistance to infectious diseases in mice
Vit. B6
deficicency seems to impair the development and differentiation of B cells and T cells from stem cells
Vit. C
deficiency is unknown really. But is needed for immune system so could help with immune system function
Linus Pailing
a chemist who wrote a book on vit C and the common cold
Vit. D
known to be invovled in fighting Mycobacterium tuberculosis. more prone to HIv, and flu if deficient
Vit. E
suuplementation enhanced the antibody response to some vaccinations but not to others.
deficiency affects the functioning of lymphocytes
caution with herbs?
can be extracted/prepared differently from the same plant at diff times/places
What is important when considering the “active ingredient”
the amount and what it actually is
manufacturing quality and honesty can vary- proff
a DNA barcode project found that when examining 44 herbal products, 30 species of herbs manufactured by 12 companies
aloe vera
good for minor cuts and burns
studies have failed to find good evidence of an effect on cold duration and severity
along with onion will reduce cancer
may be an immune system stimulant
what is you micobiome?
hundreds of beneficial bacteria your body hosts.
commercial products that contain bacteria that is already present in your digestive tract
substances alleged to nourish and multiply your good bacteria
physical and social stress resulted in higher mortality in mice when exposed to a toxic bacteria. (cohort)
moderate helps health benefits, but intense will cause in higher infection liklihood
moderate helps health benefits, but intense will cause in higher infection liklihood
What are some legalities with what can go on a bottle?
cannot put health claims on a product unless there is scienfic grounding literature`
WHat is the loop hole to language on products
you can use sciency tone words
all natural ingredients but doesnt actually mean its good for you. rattlesnack venom is natural too
no scientific meaning
balance the four humours in our body. the overall goldilocks principle
anything that supports levels
also a meaningless term
the identities of which are never specified by the people selling the anti-toxin products. we do produce toxins in our body
carbon monoxide and methanol
means smallest thing that can happen. in popular speech, quantum means huge
small quantity of material from the pustules of people suffering from the milder form of the disease was intriduced into healthy people
introduction of weakened pathogen or something that looks like a pathogen but does not cause the disease
small pox
huge 100 years ago but inoculation worked well in china to help. effected children and resulted in scars and death
yellow fever
problem with liver resulting in yellowish colouration around the eyes
lessened with vaccination. muscle loacking becasue communication with brain stops
weakening of the body, needed iron lungs to keep breathing
what are some problems with vaccinations?
1) dont always work
2) allergic reactions
3) side efects
vaccine injury
often-litigated harm and has won large court settlements although some dont have solid scientific background
Switzerland 1883
repeal of a compulsory smallpox vaccination law
France 1990
media scare centered on the fear that hep B vaccine causes multiple sclerosis
Nigeria 2000
fear that polio vaccine rendered children sterile- a fatwa was issued condemming vaccination
mercury containing compound that was added to vaccines as a preservative.
MMR vaccination
combination vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella
rise of autism
due to new diagnostic procedures, or due to a real rise in incidence reflecting a real environmental cause
Wakefield paper
implicated MMR vaccine in the rise of autism. 8 kids, week later one started to develop symptoms
The effect of the autism controversy?
vaccination rates have fallen and measle rates have risen
What is cochrane>
international collaboration of scientist-volunteers who conduct systematic reviews or medical literature.
what is a systematic review
review of randomized clinical trails that have been done to answer a certain question. graded in a methodological quality
carbon monoxide from?
break down of hemoglobin in liver
juice metabolism
acid aldehyde
from alchol