immune system Flashcards
what is Organs of hematopoiesis and immune protection
1 -Stroma : Rough stroma: Capsule
and intraorganic interlayers (septa), formed by fibrous connective tissue
2- Parenchyma is represented by lymphocytes.
explain the types of IMMUNE SYSTEM
1- regulators: bone marrow, and thymus 2- executive immune organs: 1. lymph nodes, 2. Spleen 3. tonsils 4. diffuse lymphatic nodules,
explain the RED BONE MARROW cells ?
it has two type :
1 - Parenchyma: hematopoietic cells at different stages of maturation
2- Stroma: Reticular tissue (reticulocytes, macrophages, pericytes, endothelial cells, osteocytes, adipocytes)
function of red bone marrow ?
- Hemopoetic:
- Endocrine (synthesis of hormones, neurotransmitters)
- Immune
- maturation of T and B lymphocytes,
- antigen-independent differentiation of T and B lymphocytes
what is the sign of thymus ?
Hassal’s body
what is maturation of T-lymphocytes in the thymus ?
CD4 - TO CD8- procurers
CD4+ to CD8+ intermedaits
CD4+ to CD8 - T helper cells
CD4- to CD8+ cytolytic T cells
- Hemopoetic
- Endocrine (synthesis of hormones,
3.1. maturation of T lymphocytes,
3.2. antigen-dependent differentiation of B and T lymphocytes
explain the thymus ageing
thymus with age start to decrease in size start at age of 25
zones of red bone marrow
1 periostum :
2endootsal zone :
3 intermediate zone :
4 central zone :
- erythro island
- erythrocyts
- sinsoidal capilary
explain the spleen zones ?
1 - (germinative zone) 2 - mantle layer of lymphoid follicle 3 - marginal layer of lymphoid follicle 4 - periarterial follicle zone 5- central arteriol zone
internal structure of spleen ?
Spleen Hematoxylin eosin staining 1 - lymphoid follicle (white pulp) 2 - red pulp 3 - capsule 4 - trabeculae
spleen function?
- Immune ● Hematopoietic ● Endocrine ● Blood depot ● Death of red blood cells
LYMPH NODE internal structure ?
1 - cortical substance 2 - paracortical zone 3 - medulla 4 - brain cords 5 - lymphoid follicle of the cortex 6 - capsule 7 - subcapsular sinus 8 - cortical sinus 9 - cerebral sinus
Palatine tonsil internal structure :
1 - lymphoid follicle 2 - diffuse lymphoid tissue 3 - crypt 4 - epithelium of the oral mucosa 5 - submucosa of the lining of the oral cavity, forming the tonsil capsule
1 Hematopoietic
2 Immune
3 Endocrine
DF of the immune system ?
its system that consist of group of cells diffuse lymphoid tissue , and organs that monitor body surface and internal fluid compartments
types of lymphocytes
they are 3
1 B cells
2 T Cells
3 NK Cells
types of supporting cells
1 retcular cells 2 microphages 3 filicalary dentritc cells 4 lungrhance cells 5 epth elioretcutular cells
internal cells of red bone marrow
1 - esonphilic promylocyts
2 neutrophilic promyloctes
3 prorethroblast
4 adipoctyes
internal structure of thymus
- at the bigger picture 1 cortex 2 medulla 3 tubrecle - inside of the medulla 1- lobule 2- interlobular connective tissue septa - inside the lobule 1 – cortex 2 – medulla 3 – Hassall corpuscles 4 – connective tissue