Final Exam by me Flashcards
Fertilization. Distant and contact interaction. Zygote as a unicellular embryo.
-The fertilization is the fusion of male and female sexual cells to form the zygote with 46 chromosomes.
Fertilization of the ovum occurs in the ampulla of the uterine tube.The acrosome reaction of spermatozoa is a prerequisite for
the association between a spermatozoon and an egg, which occurs through fusion of their plasma membranes. After a
spermatozoon comes in contact with an egg, the acrosome, which is a prominence at the anterior tip of the spermatozoa,
undergoes a series of well-defined structural changes. A structure within the acrosome, called the acrosomal vesicle, bursts, and
the plasma membrane surrounding the spermatozoon fuses at the acrosomal tip with the membrane surrounding the acrosomal
vesicle to form an opening by Hyaluronidases enzyme. As the opening is formed, the acrosomal granule, which is enclosed
within the acrosomal vesicle, disappears. The dissolution of the granule releases a substance called a lysin, which breaks down
the egg’s vitelline coat, allowing passage of the spermatozoon to the egg. The zygote is a unicellular organism that eventually
turns into a multi-cellular one after 5 days, and when it does, it is called an embryo
Epithelial tissues. Classification. General characteristics. The structure of the simple epithelium. The basement membrane:
structure, functions.
– Simple epithelia consist of only one layer of cells.There are 4 types of simple epithelia:
1-Simple squamous epithelium: composed of flattened and irregularly-shaped cells.It is found in:* alveoli of lung,
2-Simple cuboidal epithelium: consists of one layer ocuboidal cells
3- Simple columnar epithelium: consists of one layer of columnar cells.It is found in: * stomach,* small intestine,*
4-1.4 Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium is a true simple epithelium, because all cells lie on the basal lamina, but cells
are of various types, tall and short. Nuclei of the cells are at different levels Free surfaces of tall cells have cilia.It is found in:* trachea and bronchi,* nasopharynx.
-The structure of basal lamina: IT connects the epithelium and connective tissue. the basal lamina consists of 2 layers:
1- inner lamina lucida
2- outer lamina densa
-function: It acts as a point of attachment for cells IT connects the epithelium and subjacent connective tissue
Epithelial tissues. Classification. General characteristics. The structure of the stratified epithelium. Reparative
regeneration of epithelial cells.
–Stratified epithelia contain more than one layer.There are 3 types of stratified epithelia:
1 Stratified squamous non-keratinised epithelium: consists of 3 layers:
1.1-Stratum hasale, single layer of columnar or cuboidal cells
1.2-Stratum spinosum, consists of polygonal cells.
1.3- Surface layer, consists of squamous cells.
It is found in:* mouth cavity,* esophagus
2–Stratified squamous keratinised epithelium: consists of 5 layers of
2.1-keratin-producing cells (keratinocytes):
2.2-Stratum hasale,.
2.3-Stratum spinosum
2.4-Stratum granulosum
2.5-Stratum lucidum
2.6-Stratum corneum
3–Transitional epithelium: it is highly specialized to give a degree of stretch, so it is found only in the urinary tract. Cells are
arranged in 3 to 5 layers
–Regeneration : is the process when injured portions of epithelium-lined surfaces are repaired.
Blood. Classification of the blood elements. The amount of the cells in the human blood.
-Blood is a specialized type of connective tissue in which the fluid intercellular substance is called plasma
Quantity of the blood of an adult man is 5 - 6 litres, of an adult woman - 4-5 litres, about 7% of the body weight.
I. Formed (cellular) elements constitute 40-45% of the total volume of blood:
1. Erythrocytes;
2.1- granulocytes * neutrophils,* eosinophils,basophils
2.2-agranulocytes: * lymphocytes, monocytes.
3. Platelets.
II. Plasma constitutes 55-60% of the total volume of blood
Platelets: size, structure, lifespan, function.
–platlets : are small,irregular,disc shaped non nucleated- platelet is Divide into 4 zones :
(1) peripheral zone consist of cell membrane covered by a glycocalyx.(2)structural zone Located beneath peripheral zone
(3)organelle zone consists of granules and cellular components
(4)membrane zone include two types of membrane channels,
–lifetime: the average lifetime of a platelets is normally just 5to 9days –
–Function: maintenance of hemostasis by the formation of thrombi, when damage to the endothelium of blood vessels occurs
Red blood cells: size, structure, lifespan, function.
–Erythrocytes (red blood cells) are postcellular structures which have no nuclei. Erythrocyte consists of only an outer plasma membrane enclosing the iron; respiratory protein hemoglobin (Hb).
-Erythrocytes are circular biconcave discs; biconcave shape increases the surface area
-Size: Erythrocytes with diameter than 9 pm are called macrocytes and those diameters less than 6 pm are called microcytes.
-Life span: erythrocytes survive in the circulation for about 120 days.
Neutrophils: size, structure, lifespan, function:
–Neutrophils constitute 65 - 75 % of circulating leukocytes..size:from10to12µm
-structure: Neutrophils have a multilobed nucleus, with 3 to 5 lobes joined by slender strands of genetic material. The cytoplasm
of neutrophils contains numerous purplish granules called azurophilic
-life time: Neutrophils are short-lived cells w’ith a half-life of 6-7 hours in blood and of 1 -4 days in spleen and other tissues.
-Function Neutrophils are phagocytes, capable of ingesting microorganisms
Basophils: size, structure, lifespan, function
- Basophils constitute 0 - 1 % of circulating leukocytes-Basophils have an average diameter of 12-15 pm in peripheral blood They have lobated (2-3 lobes) or S-shaped nuclei
-Lifetime:Basophils circulate for a few hours in the blood, then migrate into the tissues and function for a few days
-Functions :
1-Basophils appear in many specific kinds of inflammatory reactions.
2-Basophils contain anticoagulant heparin, which prevents blood from clotting too quickly.
3- They also contain the vasodilator histamine, which promotes blood flow to tissues.
Еosinophils: size, structure, lifespan, function
-size: Eosinophil granulocytes have an average diameter of 10-12 pm in peripheral blood smears
-Structure: Eosinophils also have lobated nuclei (2-4 lobes)
-Cytoplasm contains two types of granules:
1-primary azurophilic granules:, which are primary lysosomes and contain the enzymes
2-specific eosinophilic granules: are large and elongated; contain crystalline cores oriented parallel to the long axis of the granules
-Lifespan: Eosinophils circulate for 4-5 hours in the blood, then migrate into the tissues (skin, mucosa of digestive, respiratory and reproductive tracts) and function 8-12 days
1- Participation in immune reaction
2- Destruction of parasites by the toxic basic protein
3- Limited ability to participate in phagocytosis
4- Diapedesis
Explain the Connective Tissue , Df , origin ,function,classifcation of C.T , general chrectrastic , types of Fibers , types of cells , Matrix , types of C.T proper
—Df: its one of 4 basic tissue that connect tissues with organs
-origin : mesanchymal (mesoderm)
-function :
1-Supportive and protective
2-bind organ with tissue
3-implementation and allergy
4-exchange of metabolites
5-repairs after injury
—classification of C.T :
1-C.T proper : loos and dens
2-Supportive : cartilage , bones
3-liquid : blood
—general charechtarsitc : C.T consist of
—types of fibers :
1-Collagen fiber : strong and flexible
-location : where its strength needed , bone tendons
-types :
T1 : tendons , bons
T2: cartilage, matrix
T3: network of reticulum fibers support organs Ex spleen
T4: Basel lamina
T5 : blood vessels
-function : supportive
2-Elastic fibers : yellow and formed by elastic
-location : in strechabke organs such as aorta
-function : provide elasticity
3-reticular fibers :formed of collagen fibers
-function: form a network to support organ such as spleen
—types of cells : there are 2 types
1-free cells : such as plasma , lymphocytes
2-fixed cells :
2.1 fibroblasts : responsible for synthesis of collagen
2.2 fibrocyts
2.3 adipocytes
2.4 Mast cells
2.5 macrophages
2.6 eosinophils
2,7 neutrophils
—Matrix: ground substance
-Df its gel like substance
-components : water , non organic substance , organic substance
1-mechanical and structural support
2-connect fibers and cells
—Types of C.T proper : there is 2 types
1- loos C.T : and they are 3
1.1 areolar C.T : have various of cells and small compact of fibrous
1.2 loos adipose C.T : they are the same of Aerolar
1.3 loos reticular: same as Areolar but with reticular network
2-Dens C.T : it has 2 type
2.1 dens regular : large amount of fiber cells and small of ground substance
-site ligament
2.2 dens irregular: large amount of cells and fibers in irregular arrangements
Specialized connective tissues. Pigment tissue, structural features, meaning
–Specialized C.T: it is a type of connective tissues include a number of different tissues with specialized cells and unique ground
substances. Like adipose tissue:
1-white (unilocular, or yellow),
2-brown (multilocular)
-Functions of adipose tissue:supporting, protective and plastic - adipose tissue surrounds organs and fills in spaces between
them; softening impacts, it protects them from mechanical traumas
—Pigment tissue : is represented by Pigment cells are present in several regions of the body including the dorsum, trunk
hypodermis, head, fins, intestine, and abdominal wall
-Function of melanin of pigment cells is to protect the organism against the damaging effects of nonionizing ultraviolet
The skeletal tissue. General structure. classification. sources of development. Lamellar bone tissue: localization in the
body, morphofunctional characteristics. The structure of osteon.
–General Structure of bone (skeletal tissue) The main components of bone are Matrix and fibers, and Bone cells ( osteogenic
cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts) and Bone Covering (periosteum and Endosteum)
–Classification of the skeletal tissues :
1-Cartilage: > 1- hyaline,2- elastic,3- fibrocartilage
2-Bone: > 1-(primary, immature, or woven bone,) 2 secondary, mature, or lamellar bone)
-Source of development : Embryological
Source of Skeletal System The skeletal system develops broadly from two main sources, the mesoderm and the ectoderm.
–Osteons : are cylindrical structures that contain a mineral matrix and living osteocytes connected by canaliculi, which transport
blood. They are aligned parallel to the long axis of the bone. Each osteon consists of lamellae, which are layers of compact
matrix that surround a central canal called the Haversian canal
Cartilage tissue. Types. General characteristics: cells and intercellular substance. The structure of elastic cartilage , hyaline cartilage
-cartilage:It is a specialized type of C. T in which the matrix can bear machanical Stress.
-is seprated by amount of inter cellular material (matrix).
-The matrix : is rubbery but flexible. It is a vascular (non vascular) nourished - by diffusion of O 2 and nutrients from the
surrounding C.T.
—Elastic cartilage:It is yellow in fresh state, more of fexible.-Covered by perichondrium.
- Has the same structure of hyaline.Cartilage, with large number of branching elastic fibers embedded in the matrix
-Sites: It is found in-Ear pinna,-
-Function: it is very flexible, recovers its shape after being deformed.
—Hyaline cartilage:the most common type. It appears translucent, with glassy appearance.
-Sites:1-fetal skeleton.2- Epiphyseal plate.3 .
-Structure: 1-periochondrium :it is a Capsule of dense Fibrous
c.t that surrounds. His formed of 2 layers
1-outer white fibrous.
2-Inner Chondrogenic (cellular): rich chondroblasts.
-Function.:1-Nutrition of non-vasCular cartilage, formation of new cartilage during growth.provides attachment for muscles.
Muscle tissue. General characteristics. Striated muscle tissue. Development, morphological and functional characteristics,
regeneration. The structure of the muscle fibers, and its structural and functional unit - sarcomere.
—Structual and functional units are specialized elongated cell called muscle fibers. Contaning Contractile filaments (thin actin
and thick myosins).The cell membrane of muscle fibers is also called Sarcolemma and the cytoplasm Called Sacroplasm. The
smooth endoplasmic reiculcm is Called Sacroplasmic reticulum.-sarcoplasm is acidophilic rich in organells as mitochondria
-Striated muscle fiber :Each skeletal muscle fiber is along wall with:
1-Shape:cylindrical non branched (except face and tounges)
2-Nuclei: each cell has multiple oval nuclei fused of mononucleated myoblasts.
3-Sarcoplasm: is acidophilic.
4-Sarcomere: It is apart of myofibril between 2 adjecent Z line, it is a functional unit in contraction.
-Myofibrils are composed of thick myosin and thin actin.
-Muscle tissue. General characteristics . types, main characteristics. development. physiology of muscle contraction.
-Striated muscle tissues types,:1-* skeletal muscle* 2-cardiac muscle2-;Smooth muscle
-Development :muscles is derived mainly from mesoderm
-Muscle contraction:
1-nerve impulse transmitted to t tubles and muscles
2-the sarcoplasm reticulum ca+ ions into myofibrils
3-nerve imulses will turn ATP to adp after first contraction
4-the energy allowsthe actin to contract with myosin
5-the myosin will not change and h-zone will disappear
6-sarcomere willshorten
explain the Digestive system , pharynx , osephegus , stomach , small intestine, large intestine
—Pharynx: its common passage of Air and food
- divided into 3 parts :
-walls of pharynx :
1-mucosa : epithelium , lamina propria
2-sub mucosa : loos C.T
3-muscularis : 2 layers of Sk muscle tissue
4-adventita : loos C.T
-the osephegus : its muscular tube of 25 cm carries food from pharynx to stomach
-walls :
1-mucosa : epithelum , lamina propria , muscular mucosa
2-sub mucosa : loos C.T
3-muscularis : it has 3 parts
1sr part strited muscles 2nd mixed
3rd smooth muscle
4- External tunica : it has 2 parts
4.1 pretonial covered by serosa
4.2 thoracic cavity covered with adventitia
-the stomach : its the wide part of digestive system which receive food from the oswphegus , to get mechanical and chemical digestion
-function :
1-food digstion
2-contention digstion of carbs
3- Absorption of Vitmen B , water and salt
-histological parts :
1-cardiac: narrow part near the opning of oseuphegus which consist of cardiac glands
2-funds : contain gastric glands
3-pyloric: contain pyloric glands
-stomach layers :
1-gastric mucosa
1.1 simple columnar
1.2 lamina propria ( loos ct )
1.3 muscular mucosa ( smooth )
2- sub muscularis , loos CT , blood vessles , sub muscular plexus
3-muscular layer : it has 3 layers
3.1 inner obliuq
3.2 middle are circular
3.3 outer is longitudinal
4- serosa : simple sqoums epithelium
-Small intestine : its longest part of the digestive system and its the main site for digestion
- segments:
-explanation of Duodenum:
-it has villi and its layers :
1-simple columnar cells with microvalli
2-goblet cells
3-lamina propria
4-epithilia lining
5-cells with very pink granules
—walls :
1-mucosa : simple columnar , lamina propria , muscular mucosa
2-sub mucosa : loos CT
3-muscularis layers : serosa and advintita
-large intestine: consist if colon , cecum , appendix , anal canal
-walls :
1-mucosa : simple cloumnar , lamina propria , muscular mucosa
2-sub mucosa: loos CT
3-musculars : smooth muscle
4-serosa : simpel sqoums
pancreas, structure
–The pancreas is both an exocrine and endocrine gland. It consists of: the clusters of cells of the endocrine tissue known as > islets of Langerhuns. These cells produce insulin, glucagon and a number of other hormones
-The exocrine pancreas: secretes digestive enzymes that can digest most food substances:(The exocrine pancreas)constitutes
main part of gland (97%). It is compound :serous tubuloacinar gland, which consists of: 1-secretory portion (acini),
2-duct system.
-Acini have elongated shape narrow lumen, are composed of 2 types of cells:
1-Acinar cells: are highly polarized, and consists of rough endoplasmic reticulum,
2- centroacinar cells: are small, flattened with pale cytoplasm, are situated in the centre of acinus. Endocrine pancreas
-The endocrine pancreas: is the islets of Langerhans and they are formed of 75% B (beta)-cells: are most numerous, bluestained, form the central part of the islets, secrete hormone insulin.
2- 20% A (alpha)-cells : constitute of the islet, are stained pink, are distributed on the periphery of the islets, secrete hormone glucagon
3- 5-10% D (delta)-cells :secrete somatostatin
liver, the structure of the classical lobule of the liver. liver function
–The liver is a large, meaty organ that sits on the right
side of the belly. Weighing about 3 pounds, the liver is reddish-brown in color and feels rubbery to the touch. The liver has two large sections, called the right and the left lobes
-classic liver lobule: is hexagonal in section. In the centre of the liver lobule there is a central vein. At the corners of the lobules
there are the portal triads
1-detoxification of many drugs and toxins
2- production of bile required for emulsifying fats.
3- storage of vitamins (A, D, K) and iron. 4- volume reservoir for blood.
urinary tract . the structure of the ureter and bladder
-The urinary system: consists of the paired kidneys and ureters, and unpaired bladder and urethra. 1)The kidney: is covered by a capsule of C.T consisting of collagen, elastic fibers and smooth muscle cells.-
-The kidney is divided into:
1) an inner medulla:consists of 10-18 medullary pyramids. From the base of each medullary pyramid the medullary rays penetrate the cortex.
2) an outer cortex: is the peripheral part lying between the capsule and the bases of renal pyramids.-The cortical tissue surrounding each medullary pyramid is a renal lobe, and each medullary ray forms the center of a conical renal lobule.
-The wall of the ureter and bladder consists of 4 layers: have the same basic histological structure :
1) . Mucosa: consists of :1. transitional epithelium: having 4 or 5 layers of cells.
2. lamina propria: which consists of loose connective tissue.
2) . Submucosa : consists of loose connective tissue.
3) . Muscularis : consists of bundles of smooth muscle cells with intervening
connective tissue.
4) .Adventitia : consists of loose connective tissue with collagen and elastic fibers. The upper part of the bladder is covered by serous peritoneum
kidney, cortical and medulla of the kidney. nephron as a morphofunctional unit of the kidney
-Nephron: Each kidney is composed of 1-4 millions nephrons -
the structural and functional units.-Each nephron consists of:
1) renal corpuscle,
2) proximal convoluted tubule,
3) proximal straight tubule (thick descending limb of Henle’s loop)
4) thin descending limb of Henle’s loop,
5) thin ascending limb of Henle’s loop,
6) distal straight tubule (thick ascending limbs of Henle’s loop),
7) distal convoluted tubule.
—Renal corpuscle Each renal corpuscle consists of:
1) a tuff offenestrated capillaries, the glomerulus, surrounded by.
2) a doublewalled epithelial Bowman’s capsule.
-The parietal layer of the capsule: consists of a simple squamous epithelium surrounded by basallamina.
-The visceral layer of the capsule: envelops the capillaries of the glomerulus. Between two layersof Bowman’s capsule there is the urinary space, which receives the fluid filtered through thecapillary wall and the visceral layer. And lined by modified celts termed the podocytes.
-The podocytes: have a cell body from which several primary processes arise. Each primaryprocess gives secondary
processes, called pedicels that embrace the capillaries of the glomerulus.Between the pedicles there are little spaces termed filtration slits. Between the fenestrated endothelial cells of glomerular capillaries and the podocytes is a thick basement membrane
-The basement membrane: is derived from the fusion of capillary- and podocyte-produced basallaminae
— the blood barrier consist of :
1-fenstrated endothilial cells of glumeulars
2-thick basement membrane
3-filtration site between pidecals and podocytes
endocrine apparatus of the kidney
-The kidneys produce three important hormones:
2. calcitriol
They also synthesize prostaglandins, which affect manyprocesses in the kidneys .
-The juxtaglomerular apparatus: regulates the systemic blood pressure by activation of the reninangiotensin-aldosterone system. Juxtaglomerular apparatus is the modification of the distalconvoluted tubule and the afferent arteriole at the region of their contact Thejuxtaglomerular apparatus consists of 3 components:
1. Macula densa: is an area of closely packed specialised columnar cells in the wall of the distal convoluted tubule. The cells of macula densa are sensitive to the ionic content and water volume of the fluid in the tubule (osmoreceptors). If low water volume is detected by these cells, they will produce molecular signals that promote reninsecretion by other ceils of the juxtaglomerular apparatus, called the juxtaglomerular cells.