IMMS facts Flashcards
Energy sources in carbs, lipids, proteins and alcohol ?
4kcal/g; 9kcal/g; 4kcal/g; 7kcal/g (same order as in the question)
What is the definition of DEE?
Daily energy expenditure. Energy to support BMR and our physical activity+ energy required to process food we eat
What do kinases do?
Kinases add or remove phosphates groups and take it/ give it to ATP
What do isomerases do?
Rearrange the molecule without changing the molecular formula. So like an isomer.
What do aldolases do?
Breaks C-C bonds
What do dehydrogenases do?
Take an H- ion and give it to NAD+ or FAD+
What do enolases do?
Enolases produce a C=C by removing an OH.
Mnemonic for Krebs?
Can I keep selling sex for money officer
What happens to pyruvate in anaerobic conditions?
Converted into lactate using lactate dehydrogenase. This can be converted back later on
What cells do not partake in oxidative phosphorylation at all?
Why is glycolysis inhibited in acidosis?
PFK-1 in pH dependent and is inhibited
What are sources of acetyl coA
Pyruvate, beta oxidation and amino acid brakdown
What regulates the glycolysis process?
AMP and ATP. When ATP levels are low you get P from ADP instead so AMP is an allosteric activator of PFK-1 increasing its affinity for Fructose-6-phosphate and vice versa.
What is Beta oxidation dependent on?
Strictly aerobic, dependent on oxygen, good supply and good numbers of mitochondria.
Why can’t beta oxidation happen in the brain? How does the body get past this?
Blood brain barrier/ using ketone bodies from ketogenesis