Cranial nerves Flashcards
Innervation function and exit of olfactory
olfactory epithelium/ olfaction/ cribriform plate.
Also it passes onto the uncus of the temporal lobe to be processed.
Innervation function and exit of optic
Retina/ vision and pupillary eye reflex/ optic Canal
Innervation function and exit of oculomotor
All leave through the superior orbital fissure.
- Motor: LR6SO4 rest 3/ movement of eyeball
b. )Levator palpibrae sup/ Raising upper eyelid - Parasympathetic: Sphincter papillae and ciliary muscled of the eyeball/ pupillary constriction and accomadation
Innervation function and exit of trochlear
Superior oblique/ movement of the eyeball/ Superior orbital fissure
Innervation function and exit of trigeminal
(Branches leave from different parts look at it in more detail)
1) Sensory:
Face, scalp, cornea, nasal and oral cavities/ general sensation
2)Motor: Salivary glands, muscles of mastication:/ opening and closing mouth
b.) Tensor tympani: Tension on the tympanic membrane
Innervation function and exit Facial
1)Sensory: (exit: Internal acoustic meatus)
anterior 2/3 of tongue/ taste/ same exit
Muscles of facial expression/ facial movement
Salivary and lacrimal glands/ salivation and lacrimation
Innervation function and exit Vestibulocochlear
Sensory: (Internal acoustic meatus)
Vestibular apparatus/ position movement
Cochlea/ hearing
Innervation function and exit glossopharyngeal
- -> Jugular foramina exit
1) Sensory:
a. Pharynx/ post 1/3 tongue/ Eustachian tube middle ear (general sensation)
b. post 1/3, carotid body, carotid sinus/ taste, chemoreception, baroreception.
2) Motor: stylopharyngeus/ swallowing
3. ) Parasympathetic: Parotid salivary gland/ salivation
Innervation function and exit of vagus
- -> Jugular foramina
1) Sensory: Pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus/ general sensation
2) Motor: Soft palate, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus/ speech and swallowing
3) parasympathetic: thoracic and abdominals; viscera/ various organ systems(GI, Resp, Cardio etc)
Innervation function and exit of accessory
Motor: Sternocleidomastoid, trapezius/ Movement of head and neck. Say no and shrug your shoulders
Innervation function and exit of hypoglossal
Motor: Internal and external muscles of the tongue/ movement of tongue/ hypoglossal Canal
Abducens nerve:
Lateral rectus/ movement of eye/ SOF
Mnemonic to remember if sensory or motor
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