Immigration and Youth Justice; ch. 2, 5 Flashcards
immigration (f)
the process of people establishing homes, and often citizenship, in a country that is not their native country
mouvement de personnes qui entrent dans un pays avec l’intention de s’y établir et de devenir des résidents permanents
société (f)
A social system where a group of people share a common geographic region, sense of common identity and culture, and who participate in shared political and economic institutions for a communal purpose or interest
groupe de personnes liées par une activité commune ou des intérêts communs
réfugiée (f), réfugié (m)
a person who seeks refuge in another country because of danger or persecution in their home country
personne qui quitte son pays pendant une guerre ou un régime d’opression, pour échapper au danger de la guerre, de l’oppression ou de la persécution
to instill positive behaviours and attitudes
encourager une attitude et des comportements positifs
to make part of again (part of a group, for example)
faire entrer à nouveau (dans un groupe, par exemple)
peine (f)
a consequence for a crime, such as imprisonment, determined by court of law
condamnation appliquée à titre de punition pour un délit (peine de prison, par exemple) et imposée par un tribunal
justice (f)
applying laws
action par laquelle le pouvoir judiciare applique les lois
community service
travaux (m) communautaires
help in the community performed as part of a sentence, such as assisting with a community clean-up or food bank
travail effectué dans la communauté à titre de condamnation (travail dans une banque alimentair, peinture ou nettoyage dans un bâtiment public)
criminal record
casier (m) judiciare
a permanent record of breaking the law, which is public information. A criminal record can bar you from some jobs, volunteer positions and travel to other countries.
ensemble des renseignments relatifs à l’activité criminelle d’un individu. Un tel casier peut empêcher d’occuper certains emplois ou postes bénévoles, ou de voyager à l’étranger
labour force growth
accroissement (m) de la main-d’oeuvre
the growth of the labour force (the number of people who can work)
augmentation du nombre de personnes aptes au travail
health insurance
police (f) d’assurance maladie
an agreement by a company to pay for your health services, in exchange for a fee that you pay each month or each year
contrat avec une compagnie qui devra payer des services de santé en échange d’une somme versée sur une base mensuelle ou annuelle
démographique (f)
to do with the characteristics of populations
qui a trait aux caractéristiques des populations
what is the purpose of Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act?
- pursue social, cultural, and economic benefits for all Canadians
- respect the bilingual and multicultural character of Canada
- share the benefits of immigration and support a prosperous economy across all regions of Canada
- promote the successful integration of immigrants into Canadian society
What categories and percentages of immigration are contained in Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act?
- refugees 13%
- family class 28%
- economic immigrants 55%
- other 4%
Why does Canada’s workforce need immigration?
Canada’s labour force is shrinking because the amount of people retiring does not equal the amount of people entering the labour force so Canada needs immigration to ensure growth
What is the point system for accepting immigrants?
an economic immigrant needs 67 points to qualify for immigration based on different factors. These factors include:
- education
- ability to speak English or French
- work experience
- age
- arranged employment
- adaptability
Which categories of immigrants do not have to qualify under the point system?
-family class
List three health factors that impact qualifying as an immigrant into Canada
- communicable disease that could put Canadians at risk
- mental illness that could put Canadians at risk
- health that could cost a lot to treat such as AIDS or HIV and thus would put demand on Canada’s health services