IMHA consensus Flashcards
What is more accurate in a state of agglutination, calculated hematocrit or spun PCV?
List causes for non-immunemediated spherocytosis (6)
- oxidative damage (zinc or acetaminophen toxicity)
- envenomation
- hypersplenism (hepatosplenic lymphoma)
- pyruvate kinase deficiency
- erythrocyte fragmentation (endocarditis, hemangiosarcoma, hemolytic uremic syndrome)
- dyseryhtropoiesis
What is the cutoff number for spherocytes/x100 oil immersion field to be supportive of IMHA in dogs?
> 5 is considered supportive (65% sensitive, 95% specific in one study)
3-4 may be considered as well (3/field 74% sensitive and 81% specific)
In what situations should SAG be confirmed with 3x erythrocyte washing and repeated SAG in 1:4 saline?
- equivocal results of SAG
- markedly increaed TP
- high fibrinogen cc
- strong ruleaux formation on blood smear
What are the two options for demonstrating anti-erythrocyte antibodies?
direct coombs’ test
flow cytometry
How does immunosuppression or prior transfusion affect coombs’ testing?
immunosuppression is unlikely to immediately cause negative coombs’ tests but recommendation is to draw sample before administration
blood transfusion can cause false positive coombs’ test results
What do ghost cells indicate?
intravascular hemolysis
List potential pathogens causing IMHA in dogs and cats and their evidence for causation
medium to high evidence: Babesia
low evidence: Anaplasma
others all negliglbe to low, but mention technically any infection can cause IMHA so full tick-borne panel is still indicated
medium evidence: Babesia felis
high evidence: Mycoplasma haemofelis
low: FeLV
What is the recommendation for infectious disease screening in dogs with IMHA?
- Babesia should be tested for with PCR and serology - recheck negative dogs if high exposure risk
- test for Heartworm infection - can cause positive coombs’ and anemia
- to be strongly considered: other vector-borne diseases: Anaplasma, Bartonella, Ehrlichia, only if endemic: Leishmania
What is the recommendation for infectious disease screening in cats with IMHA?
- If endemic: Babesia felis
- PCR for M. haemofelis, if available all 3 mycoplasma species
- FeLV/FIV testing
What qualifies as diagnostic for IMHA?
- 2 or more signs of Immune-mediated destruction (spherocytes, positive SAT without washing, positive coomb’s or flow cytometry) OR positive washed SAT
- 1 or more sign of hemolysis (hyperbilirbunemia, biliuria, icterus etc.; hemoglobinuria, hemoglobinemia, ghost cells)
What is supportive of IMHA provided another cause of the anemia cannot be found?
- 1 sign of immune-mediated destruction (SAT, coombs’ or flow cytometry positive)
- 1 or more signs of hemolysis
How fresh should pRBC units be for transfusion in IMHA?
ideally fresh i.e., 7-10 days. can consider older units if fresh ones are not available but increaes the risk of complications and mortality
Why is pRBC or WB preferred over bovine hemoglobin solutions?
- BHS scavenge NO –> acitvating platelets, causing vasoconstriction –> risk of hypertension
- BHS higher colloid osmotic pressure than pRBC or WB –> risk of hypertension
- shorter circulating life than pRBC
- increased risk of mortality shown
When is it recommended to start a second immunosuppressive drug in IMHA?
- severe disease (BUN and tbili recommended as markers)
- PCV not stable during first 7 days of treatment (i.e., drops more than 5% in 24 hours)
- transfusion dependent after 7 days of treatment
- considered at risk for severe adverse effects from glucocortcoid use
What are the recommended 2nd line immunosuppressive drugs (4)?
- Azathioprine
- Cyclosporine
- Mycophenolate mofetil
- Leflunomide
Which immunosuppressive drug is not recommended for IMA in dogs?
When is IVIG recommended in dogs with IMHA?
if the patient fails to respond to 2 immunosuppressive drugs
salvage, not routinely recommended
When and how is tapering recommended?
PCV/Hct stable and > 30% and clincially improved for at least 2 weeks, then:
* taper Prednisone by 25%
* do not change second drug, but if second drug used: can consider faster tapering of prednisone
- continue to taper Prednisone by 25% every 3 weeks (or more reduction and every 2 weeks if other drug administered)
- do not start tapering 2nd immunosuppressive drug until prednisone fully weaned. then: either give 4-8 more weeks and stop without tapering or taper with same protocol as prednisone
How should IMHA patients receiving prednisone be monitored?
- UA +/- culture every 8-12 weeks
- PE for adverse signs
- obtain baseline biochemistry values
How should IMHA patients receiving Azathioprine be monitored?
- CBC and liver values every 2 weeks for first 2 months, then every 1-2 months
What are adverse effects of azathioprine?
- gastrointestinal signs
- severe hepatotoxicity - develops within first few weeks of treatment
- myelosuppression - can be delayed
How should IMHA patients receiving cyclosporin be monitored?
- monitor for GI adverse effects and gingival overgrwoth
- chemistry every 2-3 months (risk of hepatotoxicity)
What are the adverse effects of cyclosporin
- GI signs (give frozen or with food to alleviate this!)
- hepatotoxicity - idiosynchratic
- hypertrichosis
- gingival hyperplasia
advantage: not myelosuppressive
What could increase the risk of cyclosporin overdose?
metabolized by the cytochrome P-450 system –> if other drug using this pathway is administered
How should IMHA patients receiving mycophenolate be monitored?
- for GI signs
- CBC every 2-3 weeks then every 2-3 months
What are the adverse effects of mycophenolate mofetil?
- GI signs
- ulcerative colitis
- myelosuppressive - potentially
How should IMHA patients receiving Leflunomide be monitored?
- CBC + liver values every 2 weeks for 2 months, then every 1-2 months
What are the adverse effects of Leflunomide?
- GI signs
- increaed liver acitivity
- occasionally: hepatotoxicity, pulmonary lesions, cutaneous drug reactions
At what neutrophil cutoff are prophylactic antibiotics indicated?
< 1000 cells/microL
What is the recommendation for symptomatic neutropenic patients?
- try to indentify source of infection
- 4 quadrant Abx coverage
- IV fluids and hemodynamic monitoring
- recombinant granulocyte colony stimulating factor if overdose of immunosuppressant caused neutropenia to last > 1 week
- stop myelosuppressive drug and if needed start different one after recovery from neutropenic episode
When is a splenectomy recommended in IMHA?
- dogs requiring continuous immunosuppressive therapy
- dogs suffering repeated relapses
- only if infectious etiologies have been exhaustively excluded
At what platelet count cutoff is thromboprophylaxis considered contraindicated?
PLT < 30,000 /microL
What has shown to increase the risk of thromboembolic disease in dogs with IMHA?
- intravascular hemolysis
- autoagglutination
- marked leukocytosis
- increased liver enzyme activity
- higher dosease of glucocorticoids
- IVIG administration
What is the recommendation for antithrombotic tx in dogs with IMHA?
- unfractionated heparin +/- antiplatelet drug
if not feasible or available:
* factor Xa inhibitor or LMWH
if not available or feasible:
* antiplatelet drug (clopidogrel over aspirin)
How long should antithrombotic therapy be administerd for?
until the patient is in remission and no longer receiving any glucocorticoids
When are dogs with IMHA at the highest risk of thromboembolic events and mortality?
first 2 weeks after initiation of treatment
When is empirical abx treatment for vector-borne disease recommended for dogs with IMHA?
- only if the dog has a high risk of infection (geographic location, lifestyle, travel history)