Imaging diagnostics physics Flashcards
Radiation classification (8)
Name types of radiation.
Waves (electromagnetic)
Radio waves
Infrared radiation
Visible light
Corpuscular radiation types (3)
The higher the radiation frequency, the smaller the
wavelength and vice versa.
X-rays originate from
the electron shells of atoms.
Gamma rays are emitted by
radioactive decay of atomic nuclei.
The atom consists of:
a positively charged nucleus that contains protons and neutrons.
A cloud of negatively charged electrons surrounds the nucleus.
The number of electrons in the
outer electron shell determines
the chemical properties of the
Electron orbitals in the Bohr`s atomic model: the electrons move around the
atomic nucleus- electron shells.
The electron shells are labeled by
the closest to the nucleus K, L, M,
Each orbital electron has its specific energy level (binding energy), which is expressed as
a negative value.
The orbits closer to the nucleus have lower energy levels because
they interact more with the nucleus, and vice versa.
Ionizing radiation must be able to transfer enough energy to
an electron to liberate it from the atom.
(exam question!)
Ionization is…?
the emission of electrons from neutral atoms or molecules, which results in the formation of positive ions and free electrons.
“the process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative or positive charge by gaining or losing electrons”
Photon energy is usually expressed in
electron volts (eV).
Is MRI ionizing radiation?
Is ultrasound ionizing radiation?
(exam questions!)
MRI does not use ionizing radiation.
Ultrasound is based on non-ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation (X-rays, gamma radiation), is radiation that
carries enough energy to liberate electrons from atoms.
Ions are formed. The ion affects chemical bonds in molecules. The ion directly or indirectly affects biomolecule.
The radiation’s ability to ionize a substance makes radiation protection necessary.
Non-ionizing radiation is lower energy radiation such as
visible light, radio waves etc.
When the ionizing radiation (x-ray) absorbs, the substance does not become..
(e.g. neutron radiation does this)
The basic components of X-ray machine (4)
X-ray tube (vacuum) - containing an electron source (cathode) and target (anode).
Protective case and cooling oil between tube and casing.
Collimator- collimating beam shape.
High-tension generator - energy for accelerating electrons, possibility to adjust tube voltage, current and exposure time.
Describe X-ray tube construction/parts (min. 4)
The x-ray tube consists of a glass tube in which two electrodes are located:
Negative electrode- cathode
Positive electrode- anode (modern devices use rotating anode)
There is vacuum in the X-ray tube, so that electrons would not loose their energy.
Describe Production of X-rays
The heating filaments are heated and
thermionic emission leads to the release
of electrons from the cathode.
In the vacuum tube, the high voltage
power (20-150 kV) accelerates electrons
from the cathode to the anode (the
The electrons move towards the anode
with positive potential, hit the anode disk
and lose their kinetic energy.
- 1 to 5% of this energy goes to X-rays, 95 to 99% of heat.
X-rays consist mostly of what type of radiation?
braking (Bremsstrahlung) radiation. (75%)
About 1/4 is characteristic radiation.
X-ray radiation energies vary.
Describe Braking (Bremsstrahlung) radiation
A small amount of the electrons reach the area near the anode atomic nucleus.
When an electron passes near the nucleus it is slowed (braking) and its path is deflected. Energy lost is emitted as a (bremsstrahlung)
X-ray photon (radiation).
Low energy braking energy is undesirable and gives poor quality radiographs.
Describe characteristic radiation.
Characteristic radiation is the electromagnetic radiation emitted when an electron from an outer shell of an atom transitions to fill an inner-shell vacancy.
When a high energy electron (1)
collides with an inner shell electron (2)
both are ejected from the anode atom
leaving a “hole“ in the inner layer.
This is filled by an outer shell electron (3)
with a loss of energy emitted as an X-ray photon (4).
Characteristic radiation is the most desirable type as it yields good images.
The collimator adjusts
the size and shape of the radiation field.
The field of light matches the radiation field.
The size of the radiation field is changed by removable tin plates.
To reduce patient exposure and scatter radiation, as well as to improve contrast, patient exposure area is collimated how?
as small as possible.
In addition, there is a filter/filters between the collimator and the X-ray tube that remove low-energy radiation components, thereby improving the quality of X-rays.
kV =
X-ray tube voltage or kilovolt (kV) =
the X-ray’s (photon) energy in other words penetration ability =
contrast of the radiograph
contrast of the radiograph can be adjusted using what parameter?
kV aka kilovolt aka tube voltage/penetration ability
mA =
X-ray tube current (mA) =
intensity of X-rays (photons) or in other words =
amount of X-rays (photons) =
image brightness aka exposure.
“the higher the mA, the more xrays you are sending to the anode plate”
image brightness of the radiograph can be adjusted using what parameter?
milliamperage aka image brightness aka amount of individual xrays
“the higher the mA, the more xrays you are sending to the anode plate”
ms =
Exposure time (ms, millisecond) =
the time it takes to make an X-ray
the time it takes to make an X-ray is denoted..?
ms/milliseconds aka exposure time
mAs =
mAs = the product (multplication) of tube current and exposure time.
mAs is a measure of
radiation produced (milliamperage) over a set amount of time (seconds) via an x-ray tube.
It directly influences the radiographic density, when all other factors are constant.
The choice of exposure parameters
depends on (3)
the size of the patient, on study
region and (breed).
If the radiograph is too bright white (the X-ray
density is too small), you must increase
the amount of radiation (mAs).
mAs = the product (multplication) of tube current and exposure time.
Tube voltage (kV) increases
the individual X-ray’s amount, which pass through (penetration abilty).
By increasing the tube voltage, we get a
higher density of X-rays on the phosphor
plate, as more rays pass through the
= contrast of the radiograph
describe the image and what parameter you might adjust for a better quality image
underexposed image
If the radiograph is too light/bright (the X-ray density is too small), you must increase the amount of radiation (mAs).
describe the image and what parameter you might adjust for a better quality image
overexposed image
Decrease the mAs to reduce the number of X-rays emitted, thus reducing exposure.
describe the image and what parameter you might adjust for a better quality image
increased contrast so kV is low
Increase the kV to reduce the contrast and make the image appear less black-and-white, adding more shades of gray to reveal finer details.
describe the image and what parameter you might adjust for a better quality image
decreased contrast so kV is high
Lowering the kV increases image contrast by reducing the penetration of the X-rays.
This enhances the differences between tissues, creating a more distinct black-and-white image making the image less gray and improving the differentiation between different tissue densities.
Describe the Exposure parameters of this image.
overexposed so mAs is high
Describe the Exposure parameters of this image.
underexposed so mAs is too low
Describe the Exposure parameters of this image.
exposure, mAs, is normal/good
Radiation emerged from the anode passes
collimator and
spreads through the air to the patient.
X-rays path in the patient’s body: (3)
transmission (passing),
describe xray
transmission (passing),
Transmission: Part of the radiation passes
unchanged through the patient and moves forward to the detector (phosphor plate).
Absorption: Part of the radiation is absorbed in the patient. Radiation absorption is different in tissues of different sizes and densities. This part of the radiation is harmful to the
Scattering: Part of the radiation scatters in the patient, changes direction. In addition, the scatter radiation also radiates the surrounding staff.
Transmission and absorption are required for diagnostic information and making of the image.
Describe compton scattering.
involving the scattering of a photon by a loosely bound or free electron. This process results in the photon losing energy and changing direction, while the electron gains some of the photon’s energy and is ejected from the atom.
Compton scattering contributes to image degradation in X-ray imaging, creating a “fog” by introducing scatter radiation, which reduces image contrast.
Describe scatter radiation.
rays that have been deflected from their original path after interacting with matter, such as tissues in the body, air, or other materials.
Unlike the primary radiation beam, scatter radiation spreads out in various directions, contributing to unwanted radiation exposure and reducing image quality.
Reducing the scatter radiation: (3)
Smaller object: less scatter radiation
Accurate collimation, collimating the
radiation field.
Anti scatter grid captures x-rays which
have scattered (direction has changed).
Anti scatter grid is usually made of X-ray
absorbent material (lead) strips.
anti scatter grid in finnish
the anti scatter grid is used when you have..?
and is unnecessary in..?
When you have bigger patients or bigger target areas.
Unnecessary in patients, which
weigh less than ~2 kg.
Why do you not use the anti scatter grid with small targets/patients?
Since the area is already so small, we don’t get much scatter radiation so using the anti scatter grid is useless.
An antiscatter grid absorbs a portion of both scatter radiation and primary radiation before it reaches the image receptor, reducing the overall exposure.
This results in a clearer, higher-contrast image (kV) by minimizing the “fog” created by scatter, but it also reduces the intensity of the X-ray beam that forms the image.
You would need to consider raising your xray power to compensate (mAs, milliampere-seconds).
This ensures that enough X-ray photons reach the image receptor to produce an adequately exposed image, maintaining the proper brightness (mAs) and detail.
kVp can also be slightly increased in some cases, but mAs is the primary adjustment.
Both mostly you can’t see any difference in smaller targets - only in larger targets.
Describe Shape distortion in xray images.
The greater the distance between the object being imaged and the image receptor, the more magnification occurs. This happens because the diverging X-ray beams spread out as they travel, enlarging the projection of the object onto the receptor.
An X-ray is a shadow image so angle and distance affect their size.
Keep the object as close to the image receptor as possible to reduce magnification. This helps minimize size distortion and ensures that the image reflects the true size of the object.
Black image depicts same target xrayed from different distances resulting in different size recorded.
The distance between the X-ray tube
and the detector must be
100 cm.
Describe X-ray tissue densities
Different density and composition tissues have different radiation absorption.
The denser the tissue, the more radiation it absorbs. Bones absorb a large amount of
Soft tissues - like muscles, fat and
internal organs allow more X-rays to pass
through them.
X-ray densities:
▪ Metal (and contrast media) – bright white
▪ Bone/calcification - white
▪ Soft tissue/liquid - light gray
▪ Fat - dark gray
▪ Gas - black
Radiolucent materials allow x-ray photons to
pass through easily (penetrate).
Soft tissues - like muscles, fat and
internal organs allow more X-rays to pass
through them.
Radiopaque materials are not easily
penetrated by x-rays.
Bones absorb a large amount of
radiation and are relatively radiopaque.
The CR (computed radiography) system captures radiographs on a
phosphor plate.
CR serves as an intermediate step between conventional film-based X-ray systems and fully digital radiography (DR).
CR systems utilize photostimulable phosphor (PSP) plates to capture and store X-ray images, which are later processed into digital form.
DR (digital radiography) equipment is equipped with a fully digital detector.
Advantages of digital system: (4)
The cassette does not need to be removed and inserted into a reader but is left in place always.
DR system allows doctors to see pictures on the screen right after the radiograph was taken.
(The CR/computed radiography system will
take several minutes before we can see the picture).
The DR system simplifies the work of radiology technicians.
Reduces human errors.
Contrast medium are substances that are used to..? (3)
And give medium examples (3)
To better visualize the body’s internal structures in radiological studies.
To facilitate the differentiation of different structures in the radiograph based on their different contrast.
To increase tissue contrast , changing X-ray absorption in tissues.
Iodine / iohexol (omnipaque)
The MRI scanner uses what to capture images?
magnetic field, radio waves, field gradients and a computer to obtain images from the patient’s internal organs on different planes.
The measured MRI signal (electromagnetic) comes from target object.
MRI works in radio frequency spectrum.
In MRI, hydrogen nuclei are displayed.
Computed tomography uses what to capture images?
X rays, so ionizing radiation.
A 360 ° full rotation around the area of
interest is required to obtain the
On imaging, the patient is in a donut-like gantry.
The device operator controls the
operation of the device using gantry
control panels and a separate operator
console computer, which is in an other
In ultrasonography, high frequency sound waves are used (mechanical waves).
Sound waves can travel through…
liquids, solids and gases.
Sound waves cannot travel
through a vacuum.
The audible sound range is approximately 10 Hz to 20kHz.
Frequency range used in medical
diagnostics is 1 MHz-20MHz.
High-frequency sound cannot
travel through air so we use gel to have better contact with the tissue.
Describe How ultrasonography works.
A transducer creates sound waves.
The transmitted sound waves pass
through the layer of skin, reflects off
of fluids, tissues and internal organs.
A reflection occurs at the boundary
between two materials if a certain
property of the materials is different.
The transducer receives reflected waves,
converts them into electric signals
and sends them into the computer.
The computer performs calculations
using the speed of sound and the
time taken by the echo to reach the
probe to create a real-time image of
the patient.
Nuclear medicine is
a type of molecular imaging where radioactive pharmaceuticals are used to evaluate the body’s functions and
It is possible to detect tumors, metastasis or inflammation e.g. in PET scans.
Nuclear medicine imaging uses small amounts of radioactive materials
called radiotracers that are typically injected into the bloodstream,
inhaled or swallowed.
The radiotracer travels through the area being examined and gives off energy in the form of gamma rays which are detected by a gamma camera and a computer to creates images of the body.
Nuclear medicine, in a sense, is “endoradiology” because it records
radiation emitting from within the body rather than radiation that is generated by external sources like X-rays.
SPECT stands for
Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).
Uses gamma camera
Possible to get 3D images
Is a type of nuclear medicine/ nuclear imaging modality.
PET stands for
Positron emission tomography (PET)
- Uses gamma camera
- Possible to get 3D images
Is a type of nuclear medicine/ nuclear imaging modality.
Differences between SPECT and
Different detectors.
- SPECT radiotracers last longer
in the patient and are primarily
used in cardiology imaging,
takes about 3-4 hours. - PET radiotracers emit gamma
rays with shorter lives and
higher energies and are more
useful in brain imaging where
scans last about 30 minutes.
Radiation therapy uses ionizing radiation in order to..?
damage the DNA of cancer cells and
destroys their ability to reproduce.
When the damaged cancer cells are
destroyed by radiation, the body naturally
eliminates them.
Normal cells are affected by radiation, but they are able to repair themselves.
Radiation therapy can be a monotreatment or combined with chemotherapy and surgery.
Veterinary patient is placed into a specially made mold. This mold allows his body (and the cancer, marked with a blue cross) to be in the same position every day of treatment.
Which of the following modalities involve ionizing radiation?
CT and radiography
Which of the following modalities involve non-ionizing radiation?
MRI and U/S
kV affects what
mAs affacts what
kV vs mAs
How does increasing kV affect contrast?
Increasing kV reduces contrast because more xrays penetrate diff tissues making the image more uniform.
How does decreasing kV affect contrast?
Decreasing kV increases contrast.
Lower kV means X-rays are produced with lower energy. These lower energy X-rays have less penetrating power, which increases the differential absorption between tissues of different densities (like bone and soft tissue).
As a result, more absorption occurs in dense tissues, while less absorption occurs in softer tissues, creating greater differences in the shades of gray on the image. This leads to HIGHER contrast.
Since lower kV results in less penetration, more X-rays are absorbed in the patient, which increases the contrast.
kV = contrast
increased kV = reduced contrast
decreased kV = increased contrast
mAs = exposure
increased mAs = overexposed
decreased mAs = underexposed
kV = contrast
increased kV = reduced contrast
decreased kV = increased contrast
mAs = exposure
increased mAs = overexposed
decreased mAs = underexposed