II pt 4 Flashcards
Watergate Scandal
despite near-guaranteed second term, campaign workers burglarized Democratic offices, cover-up unsuccessful, resigned to avoid impeachment
Nixon pardoned by Ford to get country focused on more important matters
Energy Crisis, OPEC
increased already high rate of inflation by quadrupling the price of crude oil
Ford’s and Carter’s presidencies experienced a recession and inflation simultaneously, solved by Keynesian economics
President Jimmy Carter
Panama Canal Treaty, diplomacy with China, end of recognition of Taiwan; little accomplished domestically due to conservative opposition, foreign policy more successful; Washington outsider, Experienced high interest rates, inflation, increased government spending, rising unemployment, decreased union membership
Humanitarian diplomacy
fought for human rights in Africa, Panama Canal returned to Panama, relations with China resolved
Camp David Accords
A peace treaty between Israel and Egypt where Egypt agreed to recognize the nation state of Israel
Iran Hostage Crisis
the Shah of Iran (a US ally) came to US after a revolution in Iran and armed students took 52 American hostages. (contributed to the defeat of Carter in 1980 election)
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
despite CIA-sponsored Soviet resistance, Afghanistan taken by Soviet Union; ended detente between USSR and US
drastic cutbacks in regulation of business by the federal government (banks, transportation, communications
Election of 1980
decisive victory to Reagan due to his appeal over Carter (now unpopular due to lack of success in the presidency
President Ronald Reagan
offered a New Deal (reminiscent of FDR) of smaller government, reduced taxes, and free enterprise; Washington outsider
a belief that limited government ensures order, competitive governments, and personal opportunity
Religious Right
political action for religion justified by decreased presence of religion in society; Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition to expand national influence
economic policy of president Ronald Reagon; known as “trickle down” economics or supply-side economics; based on major tax cuts for the rich from which money would “trickle down” to the poor and stimulate the economy/the job market; initially led to recession but later was beneficial; widened gap between rich and poor
Supply side economics,tax cuts
tax cuts to increase population spending (help economy), drastic cutting back on government programs due to lack of funds