II pt 2 Flashcards
Zimmerman Note
intercepted by Britain; Germany proposed alliance with Mexico, using bribe of return of TX, NM, and AZ; Japan included in alliance
Unrestricted submarine warfare
Germany announced that it would sink all (including American) ships, attempt to involve U.S. in war
Creel Committee
Committee on Public Information; aimed to sell America and the world on Wilson’s war goals; propaganda, censorship, “four-minute men” speeches, “Liberty Leagues” (spy on community)
War Industries Board
attempted to centralize production of war materials; ineffective due to American desire for laissez-faire government
Conscription policies
Selective Service Act to require men to register with few exceptions; women and blacks drafted/enlisted, highly successful
Herbert Hoover’s Food Administration
relied on voluntary compliance (no formal laws), propaganda; high prices set on commodities to encourage production, Prohibition
Wilson’s 14 points
public treaties, free trade, free seas, reduced armament burdens, anti-imperialism, independence to minorities, international organization
League of Nations
foreshadowed in 14 points, hoped to guarantee political independence and integrity of all countries
Great Migration
mass migration northward; mainly blacks migrating from the southern states into the north hoping for less discrimination
Lodge Reservations
14 formal amendments to the treaty for the League of Nations; preserved Monroe Doctrine, Congress desired to keep declaration of war to itself
avoided league of Nations, opposed Latin American involvement
Espionage Act & Sedition Act
fines and imprisonment for aiding the enemy or hindering U.S. military; forbade any form of criticism of the government and military
Schenk vs U.S.
upheld constitutionality of Espionage Act; Congress right to limit free speech during times of war
Red Scare (1919)
anti-communist crusades due to fear of radicalism spurred by Bolshevik rebellion
Palmer Raids
Congressional support to raid houses of radicals believed to have connections to communism
“Red Summer”, race riots
Riots (most often Whites attacking Blacks, but some instances of the reverse) occurring in 1919. Black soldiers saw the greater social equality in Europe during WWI and came back seeking better treatment.
severe immigration laws to discourage and discriminate against foreigners, believed to erode old-fashioned American values
Birth of a Nation
spawned resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan based on The Clansman
Ku Klux Klan
A secret organization that used terrorist tactics in an attempt to restore white supremacy in Southern states after the Civil War
National Origins At
Reduced the annual country quota from 3 to 2 percent and based it on census of 1890, excluded Japanese immigrants.
Sacco & Vanzetti Trial
prejudiced jury sentenced them to death, caused riots around the world, new trial denied
Scopes Trial
Darwinian (influenced by jazz age and new scientific ideas) against Fundamentalist (the Bible and Creationism); John Scopes convicted for teaching Darwinism (defended by Clarence Darrow); Scopes found guilty
Prohibition, rise of organized crime
supported by women and churches, instituted by Volstead Act, lacked enforcement; bootlegging and speakeasies, Al Capone and John Dillinger - gangsters and organized crime (casual breaking of the law)
Frederick W. Taylor, Scientific Management
efficient working methods to increase productivity; usually resulted in lower wages (hated by workers), power to managers
Henry Ford’s assembly line
mass production of the Model-T, workers as potential consumers (raise wages), supported other industries and raised employment
Bruce Barton: The Man Nobody Knows
glorification of business, Jesus as a businessman, relationship between religion and manufacturing
new industry, leisure time with family, sports industry stimulated, political advertisements, newscasts, broadcast of music
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Alice Paul; shocked traditionalism, League of Women Voters supported; new organization of women who were now more independent
expressed new freedom of women, sexual revolution
Margaret Sanger and Birth Control
illegal, but widely accepted; with new promiscuity
dance music, slave spirituals adapted into improvisation and ragtime; jazz migrated along with blacks in the Great Migration
Lost Generation
Leading writers of the postwar decade’s disillusionment with “hypocritical” religion and the “fradulent” sacrifices of wartime, disillusioned with ideals of another time and the materialism of business-oriented culture, included F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, and Eugene O’Neill
Harlem Renaissance
Black artistic movement in New York City in the 1920s, when writers, poets, painters, and musicians came together to express feelings and experiences, especially about the injustices of Jim Crow; leading figures of the movement included Countee Cullen, Claude McKay, Duke Ellington, Zora Neale Hurston, and Langston Hughes.
Marcus Garvey, United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)
“Back to Africa” movement for racial pride and separatism; inspired self-confidence in blacks
Charles Lindbergh
Celebrity hero who was the first to fly solo across the Atlantic in a small single engine plane. He success gripped the public’s imagination.
Washington Disarmament Conference
An international conference on the limitation of naval fleet construction begins in Washington. Under the leadership of the American Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes the representatives of the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan pledge not to exceed the designated sizes of their respective naval fleets
Dawes Plan (1924)
to make German reparations from WWI more accessible to Germans; evacuation of troops from Germany, reorganization of the Reichsbank, and foreign loans
Conservative policies of Harding and Coolidge
lowering of income taxes for wealthy (trickle-down economics), refusal to create higher prices to help farmers (McNary-Haugen Bill)
Fordney-McCumber Tariff & Smoot- Hawley Tariff
1922 and 1930, raised tariffs extremely high on manufactured goods; benefited domestic manufacturers, but limited foreign trade
Teapot Dome Scandal
Albert Fall accused of accepting bribes for access to government oil in Teapot Dome, Wyoming