IHC Flashcards
Name two pan-endothelial markers?
CD31 and CD34
Which markers are used as endothelial markers?
vWF, CD31 and CD34
What is endoglin a marker of?
Proliferating vascular endothelial cells
Which are the markers of malingant melanoma?
Melan A, tyrosinase, PNL2 and S-100/ alternative PLN2, melan A, TRP-1 or 2
What would you use CD30 as a marker for?
Aplastic lymphoma
Which stains could you use to identify a non-granular MCT?
vimentin, tryptase, CD117 (KIT)
Other you could potentially use include chymase, MCP-1, IL-8
Which markers are diagnostic for a pleomorphic sarcoma (malignt fibrous histiocytoma?
Positiv: lysozme, MHC 2, desmin, vimentin
Negativ: S-100, CD18
Which markers can be used to identify a perivascular wall tumor?
Positiv: calponin, pan actin, smooth muscle actin (50%)
Negative: S-100, NSE, GFAP, myoglobin
Which markers can be used to diagnose peripheral nerve sheet tumour?
Positiv: NSE, S-100, neurofilament, NGFR, myoglobin, GFAP
Which markers can identfy a liposarcoma?
Which markers can identify a rabdomyeosarcoma?
Vimentin, desmin, myoglobin, myoD1, Myogenin
Which markers can be used to identify a lymphangiosarcoma?
PROX-1, factor 8 related antigen, LYVE-1
Whats your diagnosis: desmin, lysozyme and vimentin positiv, S-100 negative
Pleomorphic sarcoma (malignant fibrous histiocytoma)
Whats your diagnosis: Calponin, smooth muscle actin positive, NSE and GFAP negative
Perivascular wall tumour
Which markers have been investigated for aiding in the diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma in dogs?
The expression pattern of Claudin 4 and 5;
- Loss of 4 seen in poorly differentiated exocrine pancreatic adenocarcinoma
- Both well and poorly differentiated pancreatic carcinomas lose expression of Claudin 5.
Which IHC markes can be used to differentiate a leiomyosarcoma from GIST?
GISTs are positive for vimentin c-KIT (CD117) and DOG-1, while leiomyosarcomas will be positiv for smooth muscle actin and desmin
Which IHC marker can aid in differentiation between well-differentiated, scirrhous and poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinomas?
Keratin-19, high expression = undifferentiated tumor
Which markers can be used to diagnose a carcinoid?
These cells arise from the diffuse endocrine system, enterochromaffin cells; IHC for cytokeratin, and secretory substances such as serotonin may be positive.
Which markers can be used for the diagnosis of perianal adenomas and adenocarcinomas?
IHC with monoclonal antibodies against carcinoma-associated antigens 4A9, 1A10, PNCA and Ki67 may help differentiate between adenoma and adenocarcinoma. Cytokeratin pattern can help differentiate from ASAC. BUT clinical validation is needed to confirm the utility of these IHC approaches.
Which IHC pattern could be used if needed to obtain a diagnosis of ASAC?
cytokeratin CK7+/CK14-
What would be the most likely diagnosis of a CD18 and CD204 positive pulmonary tumour?
Histiocytic sarcoma
Ovarian epithelial tumours regularly express;
cytokeratin AE1/AE3, vimentin and desmin, HBME-1
variable COX-2 and endothelin-1
papillary adenocarcinoma can also be PLAP and CK7 positive
Name the most sensitive and specific marker for granulosa-theca cell tumor?
Inhibin-alpha (epithelial tumours should not express this)
For which tumour can Hector Battifora mesothelial epitope IHC be used to obtain diagnosis?
Epithelial ovarian tumours (mainly used in humans, but one paper in canines suggesting similar value in dogs)
Which tumour would be the main differential in an ovary if it was vimentin, S-100, INH-alpha positiv, and HBME+1 negative (hector battifora mesothelial epitope-1)
Granulosa-theca cell tumor
Which markers are commonly expressed by feline endometrial adenocarcinomas?
Cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) COX-2, e-chaderin, beta-cathenin. One study also showed loss of ER-alpha and increase in Ki-67
Name the positive markers for diffuse large cell B cell lymphoma
CD1, CD20, CD21, CD45, CD79a, Pax5, MCH2, CD18(low)
Name the positive IHC markers for peripheral T-cell lymphoma
CD3, CD45, CD5, CD4 (+/-), CD8 (+/-), CD18 (high), TCRa/b
Name the positiv IHC markers from marginal zone lymphoma
CD1, CD20, CD21, CD45, CD79, MCH2, CD18 (intermediate)
name the markers for T-zone lymphoma
CD45-, CD3+, CD5+, CD21+
Name the markers for precursor lymphoma
If T cell; CD45 and (+/-) for CD34, CD5, CD3, CD4,
If B cell; CD45+, CD18, CD79a, (+/-) CD34/CD21/CD20
Name the markers for Mantle cell lymphoma?
CD20, CD21, CD45, CD79a, MCH2
Name the markers positiv for follicular lymphoma
CD20, CD21, CD45, CD79a, MHC2
How can you differentiate between the 3 most common forms of CLL in dogs?
T-CLL; CD3 and CD8 positive, and granular B-CLL; CD21 Atypical CLL: - CD3- /CD8+ - CD3+/CD4-/CD8- -CD3+/CD4+/CD8+ -CD3+/CD21+
What are the most common markers for B-ALL?
CD45+, CD18+, CD34 +/- General leukocyte markers
CD79a, CD21/20 +/-
Which markers can be used to identify a feline MCT?
Vimentin, kit, alpha-1 antitrypsin
A cardiac tumour is positive for synaptophysin and chromogranin A - these results are compatible with?
A paraganglioma
Desmin is usually expressed in which tumours?
Screening for neoplasms with myogenic differentiation; rhabdomyosarcoma, rhabdomyoma, leiomyosarcoma, leiomyoma, smooth muscle and rhabdomyoblastic elements, fibrous histocytoma and myofibroblastic sarcoma
Ovarian epithelial cells
What type of tissue will be identified with a positive SMA IHC stain?
Smooth muscle actin - positive in leiomyosarcoma, and variable expression in GISTs
Which cellular pathways/mechanisms have been suspected involved in perianal adenoma/carcinoma tumorigenesis?
Mutation/protein expression
- p53 expression
- M2M
- 17-beta estradiol
- Growth hormone
- Elevated magneium level
Which cytokeratins are specific for carcinoma?
Keratin 8 and 18
Distinguish HCC (positive) from cholangiocarcinoma (negative)
Negative in MATURE hepatocytes- correlate with tumour grade, stage and prognosis
CK 20
GI epithelium, tumor from the colon, Merkel cell, UCC
High molecular weight cytokeratins 1,2, 5, 10, 11, 14
CK 5/6
Which tumours can stain positive for ALP?
Papillary adenocarcinoma of the ovary