IFR specific Regs Flashcards
When can you log instrument time?
When operating the aircraft solely by reference to instruments (Actual or simulated IMC) (61.51(g)(1))
What must be included when logging instrument approaches?
- Location and type of instrument approach
- Name of safety pilot (if req.)
Can you log instrument time that counts towards experience for a certificate when using an authorized Flight Sim?
CFII must be present and endorse logbook entry (61.51(g)(4))
Can You log approaches for Instrument Currency in an authorized flight Sim?
Yes (61.51(g)(5))
What Are the Currency Requirements to Fly IFR?
In the previous 6 calendar months, while in IMC or simulated IMC, you must have performed
1. 6 IAP’s
2. Holding procedures and tasks
3. Intercepting and tracking courses through the use of navigational electronic systems
When must you complete an Instrument Proficiency Check?
If you have not been instrument current for more than 6 months, you can no longer regain currency using a safety pilot and must complete an IPC (61.57(d))
Who can give an Instrument Proficiency Check?
A DPE or CFII (61.57(d)(3))
What are the requirements (not experience requirements) to apply for an instrument rating?
- Hold a PPL
- Read, speak, write, and understand english
- Received and logged ground training
- Instructor endorsement
- Passed written
What Aeronautical experience is required to apply for the instrument-airplane rating?
- 50 hours of PIC Cross Country time
- 40 hours of actual or simulated IMC, 15 of which must be with an instructor (3 of those must have been in the proceeding 2 months)
- A 250 NM Cross country where 3 different types of approaches were used during the flight
What are the requirements for someone to act as a safety pilot?
The safety pilot must be have at least a PPL
When can you cancel an IFR clearance?
When in VFR weather conditions below 18,000 ft
If you want to cancel your IFR clearance, how far must you be from clouds?
If in class E above 10,000 MSL, 1000 above or below clouds and 1 mile horizontally. If below 10,000 MSL, 500 above, 1000 above, 2000 horizontally (91.155)
How does special VFR change for you once you get your instrument rating?
You can fly Special VFR at night (91.157(b)(4)(i))
When do you not need to file an alternate airport when filing an IFR flight plan?
When forecasted weather at the destination airport is at least 2,000 ft ceilings and 3 sm visibility from 1 hour before predicted ETA to 1 hour after predicted ETA (91.169(b)(2)(i))
What are the minimum forecasted ceiling and visibility required to file an airport as an alternate?
If the Airport has a precision approach, 600 ft ceilings and 2 sm visibility.
If the airport has a non precision approach, 800 ft ceilings and 2 sm visibility.
How often does a VOR check need to be done?
Every 30 days
What are the maximum allowable bearing errors for a passing VOR check?
- +/- 4 degrees on VOT
- +/- 4 degrees on ground checkpoint
- +/- 6 degrees on airborn checkpoint
- +/- 4 degrees on dual VOR check
What do you log upon completion of a VOR check?
Date, place, and bearing error. the pilot conducting the test must sign it as well (91.171(d))
What must be in sight to descend below MDA/DA
One of the following:
Approach light system (allows descent to 100 AGL)
Threshold markings
Threshold lights
TDZ or associated markings
Runway or runway markings
Runway lights
How far can you expect a VOR frequency to reach when operating along the MOCA?
22 NM (91.177(a(1))
When transitioning from an airway with a lower MEA to an airway with a higher MEA, when must you begin your climb?
When you get onto that new airway, unless there is an MCA (91.177(b))
Explain a VFR on top clearance
When you are in VFR conditions but there is a layer of clouds below you, ATC can clear you for VFR on top, when given a VFR on top clearance, you should fly normal VFR cruising altitudes based on your direction of flight and maintain VFR cloud clearances (91.179(a))
What altitude should you fly at when flying IFR
In controlled airspace, fly at the altitude given by ATC, in uncontrolled airspace, fly on the even thousands when flying a westbound magnetic heading and on the odd headings when flying eastbound magnetic headings (91.179)
When should you report your location to ATC
When under radar contact, only when specifically requested by ATC, otherwise whenever passing any designated reporting point. (91.183)
If flying IFR in VMC and you encounter two-way radio communication failure, what are the procedures to be followed?
Maintain VFR and land as soon as practicable (91.185(b))
If flying IFR in IMC and you encounter two-way radio communication failure, what are the procedures to be followed?
Route: AVEF- Fly your assigned route, if none was assigned, fly to the fix or airway you were vectored to, if no vector was given, fly to your “expect next clearance” fix or airway, and if you weren’t given an expected clearance, fly the routing you filed.
Altitude: MEA- highest altitude of: MEA, Expected, or assigned
When the clearance limit has been reached, descend to your approach at the soonest you can to your EFC time
What are the required instruments for IFR flight?
All Equipment required for that same flight if it was VFR + GRABCARD
Altimeter (pressure sensitive)
Ball (turn coordinator)
Attitude indicator
Rate of turn
Directional Gyro
How do you calculate the lowest approach category that an aircraft can fly an approach under?
1.3x Vs0 at max landing weight
What is the maximum approach speed for a category A aircraft?
91 knots (97.3(Aircraft Approach Category)(1))
What are the fuel requirements for IFR flight
Must have enough fuel to fly to the airport of intended landing, then to the alternate airport, then for 45 mins