IFR Flashcards
Speed restrictions (CAR 91.237)
When operating IFR in class D or G airspace, must not exceed 250kt IAS when 10,000ft AMSL or below.
IFR cruising altitudes (CAR 91.425 & ENR 1.7-7)
IFR aircraft cruising NOSE.
North = 270° to 089°
South = 090° to 269°
When is an IFR alternate required? (CAR 91.405)
Must nominate an alternate when +/- 1hr of the estimated time of landing:
- Cloud ceiling is at least 1000ft above DH/MDH of approach to be flown.
- Visibility is 5km or 2km above that required for the approach to be flown (whichever is higher).
IFR alternate aerodrome met
requirement (CAR 91.405 & ENR 1.5-44)
Conditions must be at or above the below met minima:
Precision approach:
- Ceiling 600ft, or 200ft about DA/DH (whichever is higher)
- Vis 3000m or 1000m above prescribed for the approach (whichever is higher)
Non-precision approach:- Ceiling 800ft, or 200ft about MDA/MDH (whichever is higher)- Vis 4000m or 1500m above prescribed for the approach (whichever is higher)
The aerodrome must have secondary power supply for the ground based navaid of the approach planned to be flown and aerodrome lighting for night operations.
When to advise ATC of change in ETA and speed (CAR 91.411 & ENR 1.1-4)
ETA to next reporting point changes greater than 2 minutes.
Variation in TAS +/-5% or mach +/-0.02
Operation below DA, DH or MDA (CAR 91.413 & ENR 1.5-33)
- Aircraft is continuously in a position where a landing can be achieved in the touchdown zone of the intended runway using normal rates of descent and normal manoeuvres.
- Aircraft can be manoeuvred within the circling area on a circling approach.
- Visibility is not less than that prescribed for the approach being flown.
- At least one of the following is distinctly visible and identifiable to the pilot; approach lighting system, threshold markings/lights, runway end indicator lights, VASI lights, touchdown zone markings/lights, runway markings/lights.
IFR takeoff minima (CAR 91.413 & ENR 1.5-11)
At or above specific IFR takeoff minima for the aerodrome.
If not published ceiling of at least 300ft and more than 1500m vis.
Reduced takeoff met minima (CAR 91.413 & ENR 1.5-11)
0ft cloud ceiling and at or above 800m vis.
Reduced takeoff met minima requirements (CAR 91.413 & ENR 1.5-11)
- Runway has centre-line markings/lights.
- Visibility can be confirmed by the pilot by observation of the centre-line markings/lights.
- Reduced takeoff met minima is allowed in the AIP for the aerodrome.
- Any obstacles in the takeoff path are taken into account.
- Twin prop driven aircraft have an serviceable auto-coarse system.
Runway centreline markings are 120ft long and spaced 80ft apart.
Runway centreline lights are 50ft apart.
Minimum altitudes for IFR (CAR 91.423)
Aircraft must not operate below:
- Minimum altitudes in applicable AIP.
- Where no altitude is prescribed; a height of less than 2000ft above highest obstacle within a 5nm radius over mountainous terrain or 1000ft above highest obstacle within 5nm radius of aircraft elsewhere.
Maximum PBN cross track error/deviation (ENR 1.5-3)
-/+ half the navigation accuracy associated with the procedure. Eg; RNP 1, max deviation of 0.5nm.
Brief deviations of up to one times the navigation accuracy immediately after turns. Eg; 1nm for RNP 1.
Minimum height of obstacles taken into account for departure gradients IAW PANS-OPS II (ENR 1.5-4)
60m (200ft) above the departure end of the runway.
When climbing in an evaluated climb sector and crossing over multiple sectors, which sector applies? (ENR 1.5-6)
The highest gradient applies from takeoff.
When climbing in an evaluated climb sector and along a radial that divides two sectors, which sector applies? (ENR 1.5-6)
The lower climb gradient applies.
Prior to leaving an evaluated climb sector an aircraft must be established on what? (ENR 1.5-6)
- On an evaluated route.
- On a climb above VORSEC steps.
- Under radar control, above minimum radar terrain.
- At or above area MSA.
Generic SID performance requirements (ENR 1.5-9)
- Minimum climb gradient of 3.3% (200ft/nm)
- Climb on centreline to 400ft above departure end of the runway before commencing a turn.
- Maximum 165kt IAS (Cat B) / 265kt IAS (Cat C) for turns during SID assuming 15° AOB.
Obstacle clearance for hold minimum heights (ENR 1.5-12)
1000ft, 2000ft over mountainous zones.
Cat C holding speeds (ENR 1.5-13)
14,000ft and below = 230kt & 280kt turb
14,000ft to 20,000ft = 240kt & 280kt/M0.8 turb
20,000ft to 34,000ft = 265kt & 280kt/M0.8 turb
Above 34,000ft = M0.83 & M0.83 turb
Cat B holding speeds (ENR 1.5-13)
14,000ft and below = 170kt & 170kt turb
14,000ft to 20,000ft = 240kt & 280kt/M0.8 turb
20,000ft to 34,000ft = 265kt & 280kt/M0.8 turb
Above 34,000ft = M0.83 & M0.83 turb
Hold outbound timing and when does it start (ENR 1.5-14)
Timing starts at the end of the turn or abeam the fix, whichever occurs later.
At or below 14,000ft = 1 minute
Above 14,000ft = 1.5 minutes
Hold turns (ENR 1.5-14)
25° or rate one turn (3°/second), whichever requires lesser bank.
Rate one turn = TAS/10 + 7
Tolerance between hold entry sectors (ENR 1.5-14)
-/+5° either side of sector boundary.
Sector 1 hold entry (ENR 1.5-15)
Parallel Entry:
On reaching the fix, turn to the reciprocal of the inbound and fly for the outbound time/limiting distance. Then turn to towards the holding side intercept the inbound.
Sector 2 hold entry (ENR 1.5-15)
Offset Entry:
On reaching the fix, turn to the 30° off the reciprocal of the inbound and fly for the outbound time/limiting distance. Then turn to intercept the inbound.
Sector 3 hold entry (ENR 1.5-15)
On reaching the fix, turn to follow the hold pattern.
When are you established in the hold? (ENR 1.5-17)
For sector 1 & 2 entries, upon crossing the fix the second time (after entry procedure reversal turn).
For sector 3 entry, upon initial crossing of the fix.