IF Flashcards
What category of aircraft is a Phenom?
Cat B
What are the lowest minima for precision approaches?
DH 200ft
RVR 550M
What are the minima for non-precision approach?
MDH 250ft
RVR 800m
How much do you need to add to minima if you have a White rating?
What is the Engine Out Allowance for Phenom?
What is the Pressure Error correction for the Phenom?
What is a rate one turn?
180°/ minute
3°/ second
How do you calculate AOB for a rate 1 turn?
(Speed/ 10) + 7
What is the UP recovery procedure?
AP/ YD: Disconnect
Check Speed: Check IAS
Thrust: If speed reducing, thrust to TOGA, if speed increasing thrust to Idle
Roll: Roll to wings level
Pitch: Smoothly pitch to a safe vector
Thrust: Set for level flight
Post Occurence Checklist
If you are below safety altitude on a UP what should you do?
Low Level Abort
Wings Level
30° Climb Attitude til speed decays to 130, climb at 130 until salt
What nose up attitude are you selecting on T/O?
9.5° NU normal
6° NU wingstab
What speed and power do you initially set in the pattern?
170 kts, 60% N1
When do you select Flap 1?
On base leg (around 3nm from localiser)
What speed do you select when Flap 1 is selected?
150 kts
When do you select landing gear?
Approx 2nm to descent point or 1.5 dots on the GS.
What speed are you targeting when the gear is down?
130 kts
When do you select Flap 3?
When you have about 0.5 dots, and are approaching ToD
What speed are you maintaining on the descent?
130 kts
What are you doing at 1000ft?
Reduce thrust by ~4% and cross check RADALT and distance to go
What speed are you aiming for below 1000ft?
Taper from 130 kts to Vref
What is the Cat B missed approach speed?
150 kts
If further climb is required when asymmetric at the end of the NTOFP, what speed do you use?
Vfs + 10 kts
What power setting is used for an asymmetric pattern?
Approx 10-12% higher (70-72%)
Once established on an ALT, what causes the ALTSEL to go to Yellow on Black?
If it deviates by 200ft
What does ROL mode do?
Maintain the inputted roll rate when AP was engaged. If the bank is less than 6°, the AP will take it to wings level.
What does HDG mode do?
AFCS will command a turn to the bugged heading, it will turn in the same direction the knob was turned (unless >340°)
What does NAV mode do?
Using the info from the selected CDI source it will load GPS, ILS LOCaliser or VOR information. When active, NAV will steer along the FMS route.
What does FLC mode do?
It gives pitch commands to maintain a bugged IAS or Mach. FLC will not initiate a climb or descent without a Thrust level change.
It will arm and active ALTS and ALT.
What does PIT mode do?
Maintains current altitude
What does VS mode do?
AFCS will maintain a given vertical speed
What does VNAV mode do?
The aircraft will descend on an FMS profile
When do you select APR mode and what does it do?
When you are cleared onto an Approach you select and it will arm the vertical and lateral modes of the approach based on the CDI source
What does BANK mode do?
Limits the bank commands to 15° rather than the default mode. This mode automatically becomes active above FL310.
On a FD non precision approach who inputs VS changes and headings?
PF - VS changes
PM - Headings
How do you work out the required RoD for a VS approach with a 3° glide path?
Multiply actual groundspeed by 5 (divide by 2 x 10)
If you go around at DDH, when should you make any lateral MAP changes?
Not until after the missed approach point
What selections do you use for a localiser only approach?
FMS- Load approach by PROC
CDI- P Loc 1, C Loc 2
AFCS- When cleared select NAV (not approach) and VS. Put the ALT sel on MAP.
What necessitates a circling approach?
The final approach track is more than 30° off the landing runway QFU.
When flying non-precision to circling, what should you add to the published MDH for CDFA?
Don’t. Fly as published.
If you lose IF references on a circling approach how should you fly the MAP?
Turn the shortest way round to fly the MAP for the instrument runway
What thrust setting is used entering a circling approach?
75% N1
What speed is used for a circling approach?
130 kts
How far should you extend past the landing runway before turning?
10 seconds
When should you disengage autopilot on a circling approach?
Before the final turn
What power setting is used for a final turn on a circling approach?
48% N1