IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Flashcards
Take the lead
Take the lead can be translated into Vietnamese as dẫn đầu or đi đầu.
It means to assume a leadership role or take initiative in a situation.
For example:
• She decided to take the lead in the project. • Cô ấy quyết định dẫn đầu trong dự án.
When used in the context of a pie chart, “take the lead” refers to the largest section or the most significant portion of the data. In Vietnamese, it can be translated as “chiếm tỷ lệ lớn nhất” or “dẫn đầu về tỷ lệ”.
For example:
• In the pie chart, renewable energy sources take the lead with 45%. • Trong biểu đồ tròn, các nguồn năng lượng tái tạo chiếm tỷ lệ lớn nhất với 45%.
Tương ứng
In terms of energy use, heating and water heating take the lead, comprising 42% and 32% of the total energy consumption, respectively
Before x%
Take up %
Account for %
Constitute %: Chiếm %
Comprise %
Register %
Contribute %
The renewable energy sources comprise x% of the total energy consumption
Phần, mảnh
Tỉ lệ
The proportion of students passing the exam was high
The ratio of: Tỉ lệ
The percentage of: Phần trăm
The distribution of: phân bổ
A larger proportion of time
Phần lớn thời gian
The senior group dedicated a larger proportion of their time to sedentary/passive activities
Even more evident
Even more evident can be translated into Vietnamese as càng rõ ràng hơn or càng hiển nhiên hơn.
This phrase is used to emphasize that something has become even clearer or more obvious than before.
For example:
• The impact of climate change is even more evident now than a decade ago. • Tác động của biến đổi khí hậu giờ đây càng rõ ràng hơn so với một thập kỷ trước.
To a lesser extent
To a lesser extent can be translated into Vietnamese as ở mức độ thấp hơn or ở mức độ ít hơn.
This phrase is used to indicate that something is true or happening, but not as much as something else.
For example:
• The new policy benefits the wealthy and, to a lesser extent, the middle class. • Chính sách mới có lợi cho người giàu và, ở mức độ thấp hơn, cho tầng lớp trung lưu.
Nhiều hơn về số lượng
Overall, female students overnumbered males in most subjects, except for Art and Design
Sự Mạch lạc
• This refers to how ideas are logically organized and flow smoothly in a text or speech.
the situation when the parts of something fit together in a natural or reasonable way:
coherence between There was no coherence between the first and the second half of the film.
Essays will be marked for punctuation, grammar and coherency.
Sự liên kết
• This refers to the grammatical and lexical linking between sentences or parts of a text to ensure the text holds together as a unified whole.
Lexical resource
Nguồn từ vựng
A Wide range of vocabulary used effectively and appropriately
Experience/show an increasing/decreasing/upward/downward trend
Increase/decrease/rise/decline slightly/significantly by x% (to A or from A to B)
The number of/the total quantity of /the numbers of
The number of A students takes the lead with x%
The numbers of A and B students pursuing education on American soil both rose by 6-7% to reach x and y respectively
Over the survey period
Remain the 1st rank
The biggest contributor
an increase of 78.7% compared to the same period in 2023.
an increase of 78.7% compared to the same period in 2023.
a 160% increase from the same period last year.