IDPX 2 - Codes and Standards Flashcards
What are the four stages of a product’s life cycle?
The stages of this process include
- raw material acquisition
- manufacturing
- use and maintenance
- disposal
What is embodied engergy
This is the energy required by a product or material for its extraction as a raw material, initial processing, and subsequent manufacture into a finished product.
In terms of its sustainability, what are the primary advantages and disadvantages of aluminum as a construction material?
This material has a high potentail for recycling, but it requires a large amount of energy for its manufacture.
What are volatile organic compunds (VOCs)?
These are chemicals that contain carbon and hydrogen and that vaporize at room temperature and pressure.
What are post-industrial (or pre-consumer) materials?
These are scrap or trim materials generated in the manufacturing process that have been recovered or diverted from solid waste.
What does post-consumer mean?
This adjective describes a material or product that has served its intended use and has been recovered from waste destined for disposal.
What is outgassing?
This is the release of toxic gases from a material, typically after the material has been installed.
What is the primary concern related to indoor air quality and pain?
With this wall finish, the primary concern related to indoor air quality is the level of colatile organic compounds (VOCs)
What is sustainable design?
This term encompasses the various strategies employed to achieve a balance between the consumption of environmental resources and the renewal of those resources throughout the entire life cycle of a building.
What is the minimum diameter of a circle in which a wheelchair can turn?
The minimum diameter for this is 60in (1525mm).
When a door is approached perpendicularly to its opening, what is the minimum amneuvering clearance for wheelchair access at the strike side of the door opening on the pull side of the door?
The minimum wheelchair maneuvering clearance in this situation is 18in (455mm).
How high above the floor must a grab bar be mounted?
This accessibility feature must be mounted between 33in and 36in (840mm and 915mm) above the floor.
What is the maximum allowable slope for an accessible ramp?
The maximum slope for this accessibility feature is 1 vertical unit for every 12 horizontal units, or 8.33%
In addition to a specific diameter and mounting heigh, what other handrail feature is required on an accessible stairway?
On an accessible stairway, this feature must extend beyond the upper and lower risers.
Where are detectable warnings required?
These are required on walking surfaces in front of hazardous vehicular areas.
According to ADAAG regulations, what is the maximum vertical reach dimension for accessibility?
The maximum dimension for this, for either a front or side approach, is 48in (1220mm).
Under previous regulations, a 54in (1370mm) dimension was allowed for a side approach.
What is the minimum clear floor space required to accommodate one stationary wheelchair?
The minimum clear floor space required for this is 30in x 48in (760mm x 1220mm).
What is the minimum dimension for the space labeled A?
The minimum width for this passage is 32in (815mm).
What is the minimum clear width of an accessible toilet stall?
60in (1525mm) is the minimum clear width for this accessibiltiy feature.
To be classified as accessible, what is the maximum allowable vertical change in floor level?
To be classified as accessible, this construction element must not have a vertical change exceeding 1/4in (6mm).
For an accessible ramp, what is the maximum rise allowed between landings?
For an accessible ramp, this must be no more than 30in (760mm).
According to ADAAG regulations, what two types of alarms are required for accessibility?
ADAAG regulations require these to be both audible and visible.
For a corridor in commercial construction, what minimum width is required, and what width is recommended?
The minimum width for this component of a space plan is 44in (1118mm), but a recommended width is 60in (1500mm).
What are two sustainable types of wood flooring?
Two exampes of this are
- bamboo
- palm wood
What does the Certificate of Occupancy (or Use and Occupancy) letter provide?
This letter is issued by the authority having jurisdiction and allows the client to occupy a building or portion of a building after the final inspection.
What is the primary model building code used int eh United States?
The International Building Code (IBC) is the primary code for this.
In the United States, what document gives jurisdictions the basic authority to adopt and enforce building codes?
The basic authority for this comes from the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It gives police power to the states, which in turn either use that authority to adopt codes or pass that authority on to local jurisdictions.
What two types of product labels does Underwriters Laboratories (UL) provide?
The two types provided by this organization are
- listed labels
- classified labels
What is the Steiner tunnel test, ASTM E84?
This is a standard test for determining the surface burning characteristics of finish materials and the smoke developed index of the same materials
According to the International Buillding Code (IBC), what is a fire partition, and where is it used?
The IBC defines this as a wall assembly having a fire-resistance rating of one hour, used in
- walls separating dwelling units
- walls separating guest rooms in Group R-1, R-2, and I-I occupancies
- walls separating tenant spaces in covered malls
- corridor walls
What two situations require the construction of a fire barrier?
This type of fire-resistance-rated wall is required as
- a separation where there are different occupancies
- an enclosure where there are vertical exits
What is the maximum percentage of wall or ceiling area that combustible trim (such as trim made of wood) can occupy in a room?
In a room, this material type can occupy no more than 10% of a wall or ceiling area.
What is an occupancy class, and what is it used for?
This is a usage classification assigned to a building or an interior space. It differentiates various types of fire hazards and the life-safety characteristics of various uses.
What is an accessory occupancy?
This is a space or room that is used in conjunction with the main occupancy, but containing no more than 10% of the floor area of th emain occupancy.
What is an incidental use area?
This is an area that is ancillary to the main occupancy, but has the same classification. It must be separated from the main occupancy by a fire barrier, be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system, or both.
What is fire-resistance-rated glazing?
This is glass or some other glazing material that has been tested according to ASTM E119 as part of a fire-resistance-rated wall assembly.
In regard to interior desing, what is a guard, and what dimension must it have in commercial construction?
This is a building ocmponent installed to prevent falls from an elevated area. Its requried minimum heigh is 42in (1067mm) above the floor.
What are the three parts of a means of egress?
Its three parts are
- exit access
- exit
- exit discharge
What is an exit passageway?
This is a horizontal, fully enclosed, fire-resistance-rated portionof an exit that is used only as a means of egress to an exit discharge or public way.
What is an occupant load factor?
This is the amount of floor space that a bulding code presumes is occupied by one person in a particular occupancy.
How is the occupant load of a space calculated?
To calculate this value for a space, the total area in square feet (or square meters) is divided byt he occupant load factor.
What is a common path of egress travel?
This is the portion of an exit access that occupants are required to traverse before twoe separate and distinct paths of egress travel to two exits become available.
What are the two main factors in determining if a space requires two exits rather than just one?
The two main factors that determine how many of these are required are the space’s occupancy and its occupant load.
In a building that has been fully equipped with sprinklers, when two exits are required in a space, what is the minimum spearation required?
The minimum separation required is one-third the diagonal distance of the space.
What is an exit access travel distance?
This is the distance an occupant must travel from the most remote point within a building to the entrance of the nearest exit.
How is minimum exit width calculated?
This is calculated by multiplying the occupant load of a space by the appropriate factor given in the building code.
For an occupant load greater than 50, what is the absolute minimum corridor width?
In this instance, the minimum corridor width is 44in (1118m).
Within a means of egress system, what are exit access areas?
Within a means of egress system, these are areas that do not provide a protected path of travel and which lead to the entrance of an exit.
In the International Building Code (IBC), even fire-rated corridors are included in this categroy.
What is the maximum allowable projection of a door into a corridor when the door is fully opened?
The maximum allowable projection is 7in (178mm).
What is the minimum clear width of an exit door?
The minimum clear width is 32in (813mm).
In commercial construction, what is the maximum height of a stair riser, and what is the minimum depth of a stair tread?
The maximum height of the former is 7in (178mm), and the minimum depth of hte latter is 11in (279mm).
What is an area of refuge?
This is an area of building where persons unable to use stairways can safely await instructions or assistance during and emergency evacuation.
If an object is between 27in (685mm) and 80in (2030mm) above the floor, what is the maximum allowable protrusion of that object from the wall?
Under these conditions, an object must not protrude more than 4in (100mm) from a wall.
What are two types of glaing that can be used in hazardous locations, and what test must they pass?
Two materials that can be sued for this applicationa re tempered glass and laminate glass, but only if they pass teh testing requirements of 16 CFR 1201, Category II.
In regards to building codes, what are reference standards?
These are standards written by standards-writing organizations (rather than by the authors of a particular building code) thata are made part of a code by specific reference.
What is a public way?
This is any street, alley, or similar parcel of land unobstructed from the ground to the sky that is at least 10ft (3048mm) wide and permanently appropriated to the public.
Under what conditions would a wood veneer not have to adhere to flame spread requirements?
When a wood veneer is less than 0.036in (0.9mm) thick and applied to a noncombustible material, these requirements do not apply.