Idioms Page 32-33 Flashcards
In point of fact
In fact in reality
Make one’s point
State or explain clearly one’s argument or idea
Make a point of doing something
Make sure of doing something because one thinks it is important
Not to put too fine a point on it
Speaking openly and bluntly
The point of no return
The point at which it is impossible to turn back because the consequences of doing so would be worse than those of continuing
See the point (of/in doing something)
Understand the purpose or use (of something)
A sore point (with someone)
A matter which irritates or upsets someone when mentioned
Stretch a point
Go beyond what is usual or do more than is usual
The sticking point
The absolute limit beyond which one cannot or will not go
One’s strong/weak point
The thing one can do best, knows most about, one’s best quality
Take someone’s point
Understand and appreciate someone’s argument or attitude
That’s the (whole) point
The Essence; the most important thing one is trying to say
What’s the point?
There is little use/purpose
(What is) more to the point
(What is) more important or relevant
A close/near thing
Almost an accident, failure or misfortune; a narrow escape
Do one’s (own) thing
Do what one wants to do without being influenced by other people or by rules; act freely
First things first
Do things in the necessary or correct order
For one thing
One good reason/argument is
Have (got) a thing about something/someone
Have a strong liking or dislike for something/someone
Just one of those things
(Saying) something (usually unpleasant or regrettable) that is unavoidable and must be accepted
Just the thing
Exactly the thing that is needed
Not quite the thing
Not what is socially acceptable
One thing leads to another
(Saying) one small event starts a whole sequence of events
Show/teach/tell someone a thing or two
Show someone something useful or important which they do not know
Sure thing
Certainly of course
A thing of the past
Something/someone no longer in demand or of topical interest
What with one thing and another
Because so many jobs, tasks, difficulties came together
Be/get something under way
Be/get something going/ working, make progress with something