Idioms Page 18 and 19 Flashcards
A flat battery
A battery that must be re-changed .
A flat denial/refusal etc.
An absolute , definite denial etc.
Flat out
With all one’s powers or energy ; as much or as quickly as possible (with go/run /race /work etc.)
A flat tyre
A tyre with no air in it , or not enough
In two minutes etc. Flat
(Informal) in no more than two minutes etc. (Expresses surprise at the short time needed or emphasizes that little time will be needed.)
Knock someone flat
I knock someone off his feet with a blow
Tell someone flat
Tell someone in a very positive and definite manner
A good deal
Often , a lot
A good few / many (+plural noun)
Quite a lot , several
A good way
Quite a long way
As good as
Almost certain(ly) , for all practical purposes
As good as gold
Said of a well-behaved child
As good as one’s word
True to one’s promise , absolutely reliable
Be (all) to the good
Be an additional advantage
Be for one’s own good
Be for one’s own advantage or benefit
Be good for (+noun )
Have the necessary qualities , energy , ability etc. To provide something or to survive
Be in good company
Be in the same situation as someone else / others . (Said to encourage , comfort or agree about something )
Be in someone’s good books
Be in favour with someone
Be on to a good thing
(Informal) have found a pleasant , financially advantageous occupation
Do someone good
Help/ be good for someone’s health , state of mind etc.
Do someone a good turn
Do someone a favour in order to help him
For good
Forever, permanently
Give (someone ) as good as one gets
Retaliate , fight back , act towards someone in the same way as he acted towards you
Give someone a good “talking-to /telling -“off
Criticize someone vigorously
Good for nothing
(A person ) having no good qualities ; lazy, unreliable m worthless etc.
Good god!
A strong expression of surprise (often unpleasant), shock or amazement
Good gracious /heavens /lord !
An expression of surprise
Good grief !
An expression of dismay or displeasure
Good riddance!
(Informal)said to show relief when one gets rid of an unpleasant person or something unwanted , or when one completes a tiresome job of work etc.
Have a good time
Enjoy oneself
Have had a good innings
Have lived a long time ; have enjoyed something pleasant for a long period , e.g. influence , success , fame .
Hold good
Continue to be true or valid (e.g. a promise , an offer )
In good time
Early , with plenty of time to spare
It’s a good non (that…)
It is lucky , it is a good thing that ….