Idioms Page 22 And 23 Flashcards
With a High hand , in a high- handed fashion /manner
In an arrogant fashion, without consideration for the wishes or opinions of others
Be (all) hot and bothered (informal)
Be in a state of worry and upset, often because of lack of time in which to finish something .
Be hot on something (informal)
Be very well informed , knowledgeable and good at something
Be in / get into hot water
Be in / get into serious trouble
Blow hot and cold (informal)
Be undecided , wanting something and then not wasting it alternately
A hot line
A direct , secret telephone link between two important people , e.g. heads of government
A hot potato (informal )
An issue that is dangerous, highly controversial or embarrassing to deal with
Hot potato
Break off contact with Someone abruptly
The hot seat
An important position in which one is open to criticism and attack and has to face difficult questions etc.
A hot spot
An area of political unrest or danger
Hot under the collar
Annoyed and irritated
Make it hot for someone (informal)
Make things unpleasant or difficult for someone
Piping hot (food)
Served very hot , suggesting that it had just been freshly cooked
Strike while the iron is hot (saying)
Take advantage of something while the situation / time is favourable ; make the most of present opportunities
At long last
Finally , after a long wait (expresses relief )
Be as broad as it’s long
The result/ situation is the same whatever one decides to do
Go a long way
Be successful , make a career for oneself . Said of a person who shows promise when young or at the start of his working life
Go a long way towards (doing ) something
Be a great help
Have come a long way
Have matured in one’s views and outlook, have learnt a lot about life , gained personal or professional experience etc.
In the long run
Over a long period of time
In the long term
In panning for the distant future
Long drawn out (talks, negotiations)
Talking too much , too slow or lengthy
A long shot
A hopeful guess , an attempt that will probably fail because of lack of information etc
Not by a long chalk (informal)
Not at all, in no way
The long and the short of it
The essential facts of a matter/event /situation
A chip off/ of the old block
A son of daughter who is very much like his or her father in character or temperament
For old times sake
For sentimental reasons related to pleasant memories from the past
An old flame
Someone of the opposite gender to whom one was strongly attracted at some time in the past