Idioms Flashcards
sic itur ad astra
This is the way to the stars (fame)
postquam ventum est
After (our) arrival
fac venias
Mind you come
fac ut venias
See (to it) that you come
cura ut venias
Take care to come
Be sure to come
cave ne venias
Mind you don’t come
Do you know?
per te stetit quo minus…
It was your fault that…
non multum afuit quin…
almost managed to/within an ace of…
ut ita dicam
so to say
ne longus sim
not to be tedious
is sum qui…
the sort of… whom/which
sunt/erant qui…
there are/were those who…
multi sunt qui…
there are many who…
pauci sunt qui…
there are few who…
solus sum qui…
I am the only one who…
(in)dignus + abl.
(un)worthy of…
(in)dignus/idoneus + qui + subjunctive
(un)worthy to…
nemo est quin sciat
everybody knows
non possum facere quin
I cannot help but…
potest fieri ut…
it may be that…
(impersonal use of fieri)
animo demisso esse
to be downcast
fretus + abl.
relying (on)
opus/usus est + abl.
there is need…
consisto + abl.
I consist of…
bono animo esse
to be of good cheer
vehor equo
I ride on horseback
vehor pedibus
I go on foot
vehor nave
I sail aboard a ship
bene meritus est de nobis
he has deserved well of us
contentus + abl.
satisfied (with)
praeditus + abl.
endowed (with)
fame perire
to die of hunger
praemio dignus est
he is worthy of a reward
de eo audivi
I have heard of him