IDFX Practice Exam 1 Flashcards
How many points out of 100 do you need to achieve facts compliant level?
16 points are needed
How is the new version of CAL TB117-2013 different from the old version?
The newer version uses a smolder test instead of an open fire test to let manufacturers choose what flame-retardant chemicals for filling materials they want to use
What are characteristics of low voltage lamps?
- They are another class of incandescent lamps
- Provide better beam control than a standard incandescent lamp
- Typically operate at 12V
What does BIFMA e3 address?
This specifically addresses commercial furniture
What is Facts based on?
What is embodied energy?
It is the energy required to extract, produce, fabricate, and deliver a material to the job site
What are the four main stages of a products life?
Raw-material acquisition, manufacturing, use in a building, and disposal
What’s the best type of schedule to use to make a schedule that includes the design and construction team as well as the client?
A full wall schedule
When should partí diagrams be made?
They should be made after the bubble diagrams and design concepts are completed
When would you want to use infographics as a designer?
You’d want to use them when you want a graphic device to explain the differences in building efficiencies
What material would be good to use if you had a lot of uniquely shaped decorative columns?
Glass-reinforced gypsum
What’s a bad material to use for upholstery in a hotel atrium
Rayon would be bad to use here
What’s the easiest way to increase the IIC (impact insulation class) rating of a conference room?
Add carpet
What’s the most expensive form of veneer matching?
Blueprint matching
What’s the distance between 2 exits in a sprinklered building?
1/3 the longest diagonal
What must exit access corridors be rated in a non-sprinklered building?
1 hour
When would a building not need an automatic heat detector?
If a building has an automatic sprinkler system connected to an alarm system, then it would not need an automatic heat detector
How is maximum travel distance determined?
It is determined by the furthest point of the tenant space to an exit
Upper shelves above an accessible workspace can’t exceed what height?
What is NFPA 72?
It is used to evaluate the requirements of emergency voice/alarm communication systems
What’s the difference between inclusive design and accessible design?
Inclusive design is for the broadest range of individuals where accessible design is for a single group of people
Where are general notes found in a construction documents set?
They are found on the title and index sheets
What is the most accurate measurement method for large and complex interiors projects?
Laser scanning