Identification Flashcards
Therefore, although the Philosopher, who was ignorant of Christian truth and love, writes that the wise may hunt down barbarians
In Defense of the Indians 1550, Aristotle who Las Casas sharply criticized; 2 types
Tho Aristotle scholar, Aristotle was wrong because of ignorance to Christian theology
Now to argue from the idolaters living in the Promised Land to other idolaters, especially after the coming of Christ, is absurd.
In Defense of the Indians 1550
non-repeatability of the Canaanite conquest hi/story
as for the popes, who act in Christ’s place, if they tried to imitate his way of life - namely, poverty, labor, teaching, the cross, contemptus mundi
Erasmus, In Praise of Folly (1509)
Erasmus was a humanist and a Catholic who preceded Luther in critiquing the Catholic church for lives of papacy as extravagant and unchristian lives.
but says that he is present in it only as in a sign or figure by his power: let him be anathema.
Council of Trent
anathema: stongly disliked
should previous be united in the one body of Christ—that is, God’s community, of which Christ is the head—namely, through baptism.
The Schleitheim Articles by Michael Sattler, one of forefathers of the Anabaptist movement.
Discussing Lord’s supper as a memorial-but united to Christ through
baptism (not infant)
we should do all God’s commands according to our ability and should not wait until the foolish or weak follow…..
Karlstadt, Whether One Should Proceed Slowly in Matters that Concern God’s Will
Luther wanted to move slowly
based on the “weaker brother” passage in Romans 14.
What Bible passage is weaker brother
Romans 14
men’s evil intention but to look upon the image of God in them
Institutes of the Christian Religion by Calvin.
treat all people based on the imago dei in them
We are accounted righteous before God, only for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by Faith, and not for our own works or deservings
The 1571 final revision [under queen Elizabeth] is much more explicitly Protestant.”
Anglican mass looked like catholic mass, the theology, especially that of justification by faith alone, was prominent, and became more prominent in in Elizabeth’s reformulation of Cranmer’s 42 articles
‘Don’t be distressed; I will give you a living book.’
Teresa of Avila: Commenting on the Valdez Index
It is by the mercy of God that a person practices self-knowledge
similar to Calvin because it refers to self-knowledge
God starts the journey (“by the mercy of God…”)
problem of human sinfulness, and saying that realizing this
problem through self knowledge is a step toward knowing God.
He is not righteous who does much, but he who, without work, believes much in Christ.
Martin Luther, Heidelberg Disputation, 1518
ustification through faith not by work: righteousness creates works. For grace and faith are infused without our works
Every saint in a sense, may be said to be a prophet
The Resurrection of the Witnesses by Mary Cary in 1648 during the English Civil War and the height of the conflict between Parliamentarians/Puritans and the Royalists
knowledge of God from experience, does not discriminate, authorizes the receiver to prophesy and share the knowledge
gender egalitarianism that was possible when prophetic authority comes experientially through the Spirit and not through training or ordination.