Ideation tools Flashcards
1. Ideation phase - Ideation tools
What is the process of the ideation phase?
Used for ideation process and generating ideas for a solution.
1. Focus your search
2. generate
3. Sort
4. Develop
5. Evaluate
1. Ideation phase - Ideation tools
What should be done before the ideation phase?
It should be done before, to understand who you are doing this for.
What is done in step 1: focus your search?
Define your problem and goal of your ideation process by defining the question you want to answer with your ideation.
Remeber all relavant stakehodlers
WHat tools are there in step 1 of the ideation tools?
- creative focus
- backward forward planning
- examining borders
WHat tools are there in step 2: Generate, of the ideation tools?
- Brainstorm
- Negative brainstorm
- Associaton Techniques
- Role Storming
- Trigger Sessions
- Brainwriting 6-3-5
What is brainstorming?
Non-judgmental stream of ideas in a short time with no assesment of their value
What are the rules for brainstorming?
- Evaluate later
- encourage wild ideas
- go for quantity
- build on other ideas
What are the limitations to brainstorming?
- Useful for acquiring large numbers of ideas that are conceptually simple problems
- Relies on random associations and therefore does not always produce original solutions.
What is the trigger-sessions method?
The participants record ideas alone and then they are discussed by the group
What is done in step 3: Sort?
Organize your ideas into groups of related ideas to decide in which direction you want to continue.
What is done in step 2: Generate?
- Generate as many ideas as possible based on you focus question from Step 1.
- Quantity matters, not quality.
- Tools kickstart the ideation process
What is done in step 4: Develop?
- Take favorite ideas from step 3 and develop further.
- Idea is to get deeoer understanding of the potention, not having a finished idea
- ## Quality matters
What is done in step 5: Evaluate?
- Big decision
- Rate and evaluate the ideas from step 4 an decide the final one fo rthe project
- Now QUALITY matters
What tools are there in step 3: Sort?
- Idea sieve
- Summarizing
What tools are there in step 4: Develop?
- Idea improvement
- Critique method
- Circle technique
What tools are tehre in step 5?
- Idea advocate
- Idea assessment
What is a divergent process?
- Generates multiple ideas
- gains a broad understainding
- Step back from the “given challenge” to determine if it’s the “right challenge”
What is a convergent process?
- Selects the best idea
- develops a value proposition for the selec ted idea
1. Ideation phase - Ideation tools
What is the emphasize phase?
Done before the ideation process, this is to understand who we do this for (the specific stakeholders* we try to accommodate).
Methods used for empathizing mostly with end users, is used to help us in decision making.
en users, costumers, companies or investors
What are the emphazie tools?
- Persona
- Journey mapping
- Costumer types