ID terms Influenza epidemic Flashcards
Influenza epidemic of 1918
Spring 1918 in Kansas
Aka “Stinking yellow haze”
No one knew cause of epidemic
impact of WWI
Hundred cases in a day, 500 cases in 1 week- thought it was a phenomena
Easier to spread disease (travel)
Transport of disease (military personnel slept next to each other)
Denial- they thought that no one needed to worry about flu”
German planted germs to spread the flu
Thought it was a sin (hey prayed down epidemic)
Thought mailman brought disease
New laws and regulations
Everyone had to put on mask
They thought wearing masks kept them safe (masks were too thin and porous)
medical response and remedies
Microbiology played a big role
Used lab to find viruses (used microscopes) this occurred decades after (SCIENCE FAILED, DOCTORS WERE HELPLESS)
Funds for development of vaccine (inoculation)
Put on mask for society
Folk remedies and quacks
Tyrosine and turpentine on sugar
October in Philadelphia
Deadliest month in nation’s history
Month when everyone almost died
Funeral business- people waited for each other to die
1 week= 700 times death rate was higher than normal
Everyone slept very close to each other
Over 11,000 people died
violent responses
Husbands would kill their kids after wife dies
People killing those who do not wear masks (symbol for someone that had flu)