ID Flashcards
Campylobacter mx
Usually self limiting
Clarithromycin in severe or immmunocompromised
Chlamydia mx
7 day doxycycline first line
Azithromycin if pregnant
Legionella mx
Erythomycin/ clarity,ycin
Herpes simplex virus features
primary infection: may present with a severe gingivostomatitis
cold sores HSV 1
painful genital ulceration HSV 2
Herpes simplex mx
gingivostomatitis: oral aciclovir, chlorhexidine mouthwash
cold sores: topical aciclovir although the evidence base for this is modest
genital herpes: oral aciclovir. Some patients with frequent exacerbations may benefit from longer term aciclovir
Herpes zoster opthal,icus mx
Oral antivirals
Urgent opth rv
Curb score criteria
CConfusion (abbreviated mental test score <= 8/10)
RRespiration rate >= 30/min
BBlood pressure: systolic <= 90 mmHg and/or diastolic <= 60 mmHg
65ged >= 65 years
Ix in grilling barre
Abnormal nerve conduction studies
Rise in wcc on lp
DIC typical bloods
↓ platelets
↓ fibrinogen
↑ fibrinogen degradation products
Ecoli features
Common amongst travellers
Watery stools
Abdominal cramps and nausea
Giardiasis Features
Prolonged, non-bloody diarrhoea
Cholera features
Profuse, watery diarrhoea
Severe dehydration resulting in weight loss
Not common amongst travellers
Shigella features
Bloody diarrhoea
Vomiting and abdominal pain
Campylobacter features
A flu-like prodrome is usually followed by crampy abdominal pains, fever and diarrhoea which may be bloody
May mimic appendicitis
Complications include Guillain-Barre syndrome
Amoebiasis features
Gradual onset bloody diarrhoea, abdominal pain and tenderness which may last for several weeks