ICT skills Flashcards
There are many advantages of using a word processor.
- If you want to add something extra or remove some text after getting your report checked by a teacher, you can easily do it in a word document.
- When making a resume (bio-data), it is important not to make any spelling mistakes.
- If you are writing a long report and you need to work on it for several days, you can save the report and get back to it whenever required.
- You can make the document attractive by adding different colours, text styles and text sizes.
- You can also make a poster using a word processor by inserting pictures, bulleted lists, tables, shapes and charts easily.
Getting Started with LibreOffice Writer
to start LibreOffice Writer in Ubuntu
, simply click LibreOffice Writer icon in the
launcher on the left-hand side. This will start LibreOffice
Creating a New Document
- You can create a new document in LibreOffice
Writer by clicking the New icon and then
selecting Text Document - You can also use the shortcut key Ctrl+n
to create a new word document
Status bar
The Status bar is at the bottom of the window. Use the
Document View options at the bottom right to change
the view of the document to a single page, multipage
or book view. The Zoom in or out bar helps to change
the size of the text (make it appear bigger or smaller)
without changing the font size. Other details, such as
word or character count, page number, language, etc.
are also present on the left side.
Menu Bar
Themenubar is foundatthe topoftheLibreOfficewindow
and has several options, such as File, Edit, View, Insert,
Format, Styles, Table, Form, Tools, Windows and Help.
options with some of their commands:
- File: New, Open, Close, Save, Print, etc.
- Edit: Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Find and Replace, etc.
- View: Zoom in/out, Web, Status Bar,
Ruler, etc. - Insert: Image, Shape, Chart, Header, Footer, Page Number, etc.
- Format: making the text bold, line spacing, aligning text, paragraph, etc.
- Styles: It has commands to
create a new style, load a style and access the Styles and Formatting section. - Table: contains commands to insert or delete a table in a document and format it.
- Form: text box, list box, check box, option, button etc.
Tools: contains functions, such as Spelling and Grammar check, Mail merge and Macros, etc. - Window: shows all the open LibreOffice windows
and allows user to switch to any window by
clicking on it. It also contains commands to open a new window and close an existing one. - Help: contains options to open the LibreOffice built-in help or go to online help.
The toolbar is present just
below the menu bar and
has icons that directly run
the command without going
through the menu.
Context Menu
When we press the right mouse button on a paragraph or image or any object, a context menu is displayed. The options that we see in the context menu depend on the object that is selected.
Saving a Word Document
Click on File and then
click Save or Save
A dialogue box will open
Browse to the desired
folder, type the filename
(for example, Hello
World) in the name
textbox and click on
Closing a Word Document
To close a document, click File and then
Printing a Word Document
To print a document, click File and then select Print
In the Print dialog box, select the printer that is connected to the computer and the number of copies you want to print. Click OK.
Formatting text means changing the way the text
Aligning Text
The text can be aligned to the
left, right or center.
Bold: Ctrl+B
Italic: Ctrl+I
Underline: Ctrl+U
Find and Replace Text
- To find and replace text, click on the icon in
the toolbar. This
displays a Find & Replace dialog box. - You can find and replace
all the matching text in the document in
one go by clicking Replace All or you can
find or replace it one by one.
Starting the Spell Checker
- press F7
on the keyboard. - To start the spell checker in LibreOffice
Writer, click the ‘Check Spelling’ icon
Spelling Dialog Box Options
- Ignore Once:
- Ignore All:
- Add to Dictionary:
- Correct:
- Correct All:
Autocorrect Option
We can set the Automatic Spell
Checking option on or off by clicking
Tools>Automatic Spell Checking
or pressing Shift+F7 on the keyboard.
Inserting Bulleted Lists
To create a bulleted list, first write the items of the list in
different lines. Select all the items, click Format.
Writer by selecting all the
items and then pressing Shift+F12 on the keyboard.
Inserting Numbered Lists
To create a numbered list, first write the items of the
list in different lines. Select all the items, click Format.
From the menu options, select Lists and then click
Numbered List
Using Tables
Tables are used to show data in a tabular format
Inserting a Table
To insert a table in LibreOffice Writer
document, click the Insert Table icon
or press Ctrl+F12 on
your keyboard
Inserting Pictures
To insert an image, click Insert and then Image as
shown in . This will open the Insert Image dialogue box. Select the image file you want
to insert into a document and then click
Inserting Shapes
To insert a shape in a document, click
Insert and then Shape. This will open a sub-menu with
the basic shapes
a shape and then click and drag
the mouse to specify the size of the
shape. This will insert a shape into
the document.
Inserting a Header
In LibreOffice Writer, to insert a header,
first click Insert menu option. Click
Header and Footer in the drop-down
, then Header and then click
Default Style.
Inserting a Footer
To insert a footer, click Insert menu.
Then click Header and Footer, then
Footer and then click Default Style
Insert Title, Page Number and Page Count
To insert page numbers to your
pages, first click on the footer. Then
click the Insert menu option. Click
Field in the drop-down and then click
Page Number
How to Start/Stop Tracking Changes in
LibreOffice Writer
To start tracking changes in
LibreOffice Writer, click Edit and
then click Track Changes
This will show a sub-menu with
several options. To start tracking
changes, the first step is to click
or press Ctrl+Shift+E
Manage Option
The Manage option opens the Manage Changes
dialog box
You can also click Accept All to accept all
the changes or Reject All to reject all the
Compare documents
If you click Compare Document…,
LibreOffice will compare the current file
with the file you provide. This will then
open the Manage Changes dialog box with
a list of all the differences between the two