ICP-L4: Caries Basics: Enamel Homeostasis and the Development of Caries Flashcards
what are caries?
Loss of tooth substance by acids that are metabolically produced by bacteria
what are primary caries?
Lesions on unrestored surfaces
what are secondary caries?
Recurrent caries next to fillings
what are residual caries?
the decayed material left in a prepared cavity and over which a restoration is placed.
what are active caries?
considered to be progressive
what are arrested caries?
caries still present, but no longer progressing
what are rampant caries?
multiple active carious lesions in the same px
what are hidden caries?
usually in dentine and only detectable by radiography
what are white spot lesions?
first sign of caries visible by naked eye, usually visble with strong white light
what are brown spot lesions?
usually an inactive white spot lesion discoloured by the uptake of dye
what are rampant caries?
multiple active carious lesions in the same patient
what are hidden caries?
usually in dentine and only detectable by radiography
are white spot lesions reversible?
what 3 factors does the growth of dental decay depend on?
diet, bacteria and host factors
what is the appearance of white spot lesions?
dull and chalky; white due to microporosity (small holes) from demineralisation that allow for light scattering