ICND2 Chapter 19 Flashcards
Router Solicitation
Router Advertisement
Multicast destination FF02::2 (RS)
All routers on this link
Multicast destination FF02::1 (RA)
All IPv6 nodes on this link
IPv6 Address Configuration Static, Do not use EUI-64. Portion Configured or Learned?
Entire 128-bit address
IPv6 Address Configuration Static, Use EUI-64. Portion Configured or Learned?
Just the /64 prefix
IPv6 Address Configuration Dynamic, Stateful DHCPv6. Portion Configured or Learned?
Entire 128-bit address
IPv6 Address Configuration Dynamic, Stateless autoconfiguration. Portion Configured or Learned?
Just the /64 prefix
Comparison of Stateful and Stateless DHCPv6 Services: Remembers IPv6 address ( state information ) of clients that make requests
DHCP, Stateful Yes, Stateless No
Comparison of Stateful and Stateless DHCPv6 Services: Assigns IPv6 address to client
DHCP, Stateful Yes, Stateless No
Comparison of Stateful and Stateless DHCPv6 Services: Supplies useful information, like DNS server IP addresses
DHCP, Stateful Yes, Stateless Yes
Comparison of Stateful and Stateless DHCPv6 Services: Is most useful in conjunction with stateless autoconfiguration
DHCP, Stateful No, Stateless Yes
IPv6 Address FF02::1
All IP nodes on the link (Subnet broadcast address.
IPv6 Address FF02::2
All routers on the link
IPv6 Address FF02::5, FF02::6
OSPF messages (224.0.05,
IPv6 Address FF02::9
RIP-2 messages (
IPv6 Address FF02::A
EIGRP messages (
IPv6 Address FF02::1:2
DHCP relay agents (routers that forward to the DHCP server)
IPv6 Prefix 2000::/3 (2 or 3)
Global Unicast, Unicast packets sent through the public Internet
IPv6 Prefix FD00::/8 (FD)
Unique local. Unicast packets inside one organization
IPv6 Prefix FE80:/10 (FE80)
Link Local. Packets sent in the local subnet
IPv6 Prefix FF02::/16 (FF02)
Multicast (link local scope). Multicasts that stay on the local subnet.
IPv6 Routing Protocols
RIPng, OSPFv3, MP-BGP4, EIGRP for IPv6
IPv6 transition option: Dual stack
Supports both protocols and sends IPv4 to IPv4 hosts and IPv6 to IPv6 hosts
IPv6 transition option: Tunnel MCT
Tunnel is manually configured: sends IPv6 through IPv4 network, typically between routers
IPv6 transition option: Tunnel 6to4
Tunnel endpoints are dynamically discovered: sends IPv6 through IPv4 network between routers; does not support IPv4 NAT
IPv6 transition option: Tunnel Teredo
Typically used by hosts; host creates IPv6 packet and encapsulates in IPv4
IPv6 transition option: NAT-PT
Router translates between IPv4 and IPv6; allows IPv4 hosts to communicate with IPv6 hosts