ICND2 Chapter 14 Flashcards
Chapter 14: Point-to-Point WANs
PPP LCP Feature: Magic Number
Looped Link detection; Detects if the link is looped and disables the interface; allowing rerouting over a working route.
PPP LCP Feature: Link Quality Monitoring (LQM)
Error detection; Disables an interface that exceeds an error percentage threshold; allowing rerouting over better routes.
PPP LCP Feature: Multilink PPP
Multilink Support; Load-balances traffic over multiple parallel links.
PPP LCP Feature: PAP and CHAP
Authentication; Exchanges names and passwords so that each device can verify the identity of the device on the other end of the link.
Serial Status: Admin down/Down; Likely reason
Interface is shut down
Serial Status: Down/Down; Likely reason
Layer 1
Serial Status: Up/Down; Likely reason
Layer 2
Serial Status: Up/Up; Likely reason
Layer 3
Serial Link: Up/Down (stable) on both ends
Mismatched encapsulation commands or PAP/CHAP authentication failure
Serial Link: Up/Down (stable) on one end; flapping between up and down on the other
Mismatched encapsulation commands
Serial Link: Up/Down on one end; up on the other
Keepalive is disabled on the end in an up state
Symptoms When IP addresses on a Serial Link Are In Different Subnets: Does a Ping of the other router’s serial IP address work? (HDLC/PPP)
Symptoms When IP addresses on a Serial Link Are In Different Subnets: Can routing protocols exchange routes over the link? (HDLC/PPP)