Ice & Rain Protection Flashcards
How many Ice Detector Probes are there?
How many Wing Inspection Lights are there?
Does the wing heat source switch automatically transfer to the the operating engine in the event of an engine failure?
Anti-Icing system uses Intermediate or High Pressure Bleed Air?
HP Bleed Air - regulated to 36 PSI
What surfaces are being heated by HP Bleed Air?
Wing Leading Edges and Engine Inlets
With the updated ice detect probes (CL35 and CL30 modified with SB 100-30-04), at what speed must the Wing Anti-Ice be ON?
In icing conditions and the airspeed is less than 210 KIAS, OR the ICE DETECTED CAS message is On
What happens to the wing anti-ice valve when electrical power is lost?
The valve is spring loaded to fail closed
What happens to the engine anti-ice valve when electrical power is lost?
The valve is spring loaded to fail open
Which ice protection components, probes, and sensors are heated electrically?
- L/R Pitot-Static Probes
- STBY Pitot Probe
- L/R STBY Static Ports
- TAT Probe (with weight off wheels)
- Windshield/Windows
- T2 Sensors
When are the ice detect probes receiving DC Power?
When the Batteries are ON
Amber “ICE DETECTED” Cas means what?
Ice is detected and 1 or more anti-ice systems are not ON
After being de-iced/anti-iced with Type 2, 3, or 4, when do you turn on the wing anti-ice?
Just prior to setting T/O power
What controls the Ice Protection System?
IASC 1 & 2
Which window is heated during an Essential Power Only condition?
Left Window Only
What surfaces are considered “critical”?
Wings and winglets, horizontal and vertical stabilizers, all control surfaces, upper fuselage, and engine inlets.
(Clean aircraft concept - frost on upper fuselage is not limiting, and up to 1/8” frost due to cold soaked fuel on the underside of the wing is acceptable, otherwise all surfaces must be free of contamination)