IBTI Flashcards
I meansthe speedup of movements and exchanges (of human beings, goods, services, capital, technologies, or cultural practices) all over the planet. One of the effects this is that it promotes and increases interactions between different regions and populations around the globe.
It changes the way nations, businesses, and people interact. Specifically, it changes the nature of economic activity among nations, expanding trade, opening global supply chains, and providing access to natural resources and labor markets.
Forces or Drivers Behind Globalization
Advancement of Technologies
Reduction in Cross-trade Barriers
Increase in Consumer Demand
High Competition
It refers to one of the crucial factors of globalization. Since 1990s, enhancement in telecommunications and Information Technology (IT) has marked remarkable improvements in access of information and increase in economic activities. This has led to the growth of various sectors of economies throughout the world.
Advancement of Technologies
Every- country restricts the movement of goods and services across its border. It imposes tariffs and quotas on the goods and services imported in its country. In addition, the random changes in the regulations create a chaos in global business environment. Such practices impose limits on international business activities. However, gradual relief in the cross-border trade restrictions by most governments induces free trade, which, in turn, increases the growth rate of an economy.
Reduction in Cross-trade Barriers
Constitutes an important driver for bringing about globalization. An organization generally strives hard to grain competitive edge in the market. The frequent increase in competition in the domestic market compels organizations to go global. Thus, various organizations enter other countries (for selling goods and services) to expand their market share.
They export goods in foreign markets where the price of goods and services are relatively high. Many organizations have achieved larger global market shares through mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, and joint ventures. So, these are the major factors that have contributed a lot in globalization and the growth of global economy.
High Competition
Two Criticism of Globalization
Increase in Social Tensions
Lack of Class Mobility
8 Modes of Entry Into International Business
Joint Venture
Foreign Direct Investment
Merger & Acquisition
Strategic Alliance
Contract Manufacturing
It refers to the trade ofgoods, services, technology, capital and/or knowledge acrossnational bordersand at a global scale.
It involves cross-bordertransactionsof goods and services between two or more countries. Transactions of economic resources include capital, skills, and people for the purpose of the international production of physical goods and services such as finance, banking, insurance, and construction.
International Business
It is the process of selling goods and services produced in one country to other country.
Two kinds of Exporting
Direct and Indirect
it refers to selling products directly to a foreign customer or distributor.
Direct Export
involves exporting through domestically based export intermediaries. The exporter has no control over his product in the foreign market.
Indirect Export
List of Advantages and Disadvantages of Exporting
Advantages –
It is less risky
Under direct export the exporter has control over selection of market
It helps in fast market access
Disadvantages –
High start-up cost in case of direct exports
In Indirect export, the exporter has no control over distribution of products
Exporting through export intermediaries increase the cost of product
Advantages and Disadvantages of Licensing
Advantages –
Less investment is involved
Low cost of labor
This method is time consuming
Decline in product quality may harm the reputation of licensor